leaders of the Union have increased after a long period of restraint to their sound compared to the right-wing nationalist Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. After the new attacks on the President of the EU Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and the European migration policy, the CDU threatened-Boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer on Thursday with a disruption of the regular talks with the party, Fidesz, Orban. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) stressed that Juncker had their full solidarity. The EPP candidate for the European elections at the end of may, Manfred Weber (CSU), warned that Orban had to recognize that he remove currently more and more from the EPP.

so Far, the CSU maintained a good relationship with Orban. Now, chef Markus Söder critical voices came also from the party. “The recent Statements by Viktor Orban are not acceptable,” he told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”. This should show whether or not he wanted to belong to the EPP. The Union faction in the Bundestag, had already gone on Thursday to distance to Orban. An exclusion from the EPP called for but neither Kramp-Karrenbauer, Merkel, Söder or Weber. The CDU and the CSU are as Fidesz member of the European people’s party.

Kramp-Karrenbauer warns Viktor Orban

The Hungarian government presented on Monday a poster, on the Juncker and the liberal U.S. billionaire George Soros, the Hungarian origin is to see. It suggests that the two wanted to promote illegal Migration to Hungary. In his recent state of the Nation address, Orban said, with a view to the European elections end of may: “We will stop migration-enhancing majority.” Those countries that support the Migration, “produce, in reality, a mixed population”.

Plan of the Prime Minister So wants to Orbán for a children’s boom (but only of the “Hungarian babies”) REUTERS

Kramp-Karrenbauer said the “mirror”, you have been working in the European people’s party (EPP) in the past, “together with our sister parties of the fact that Europe is growing together as a Whole”. This also meant the ability to not let it come about contested issues of a re-division of Europe. This goal is “by the recent non-transparent and unfounded allegations of Fidesz under Viktor Orban. They weaken and damage in addition, the EPP as a Whole”.

The CDU will use the regular dialogue with Fidesz, in order to make this position clear, said the party Chairman. “In this framework, however, there is no common understanding of the objectives of the EPP, would make the Format does not make sense and therefore finished,” she said, with a view to the discussions with Fidesz. “It is up to the Hungarian side, to prove resilient, that she feels the EPP still belong.”

Union group calls for apology from Orban

Weber said the “süddeutsche Zeitung”, parts of Orban’s speech on the state of the Nation and as well as the recent Anti-migration campaign against Juncker would have triggered “in the EPP incomprehension and irritation”. He does not think that “some of the formulations are unacceptable,” said Weber, who is also a CSU-Vice-President, and Juncker would like to follow in the autumn as head of the European Commission. He reckon that the CDU and the CSU will deal with it.

Hungary’s Orban banned Gender Studies of the universities, – speaker exposed involuntarily why

The leadership of the Union faction in the Bundestag, the whereabouts of Orban’s Fidesz party in the EPP in question. The attack against Juncker was “politically unacceptable and a Prime Minister absolutely unworthy,” said group Vice-Johann Wadephul (CDU), the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”. It is contrary to all the values speak were, for the Christian democratic parties in the EPP. The Union group expects “a clear apology from Orban’s when Commission President Juncker”.

the head of The CDU/CSU group in the European Parliament, Daniel Caspary (CDU), told the “mirror” of what Orban is doing currently, is unbearable. The domestic policy spokesman of the CSU in the Bundestag, Volker Ullrich, said that the campaign against Juncker, and Soros was unacceptable. “We must also make it within the EPP group clear that European values such as rule of law and fundamental rights binding for all, even for Viktor Orban.”

mad / DPA


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