In an unprecedented move, the Supreme Court of India has declared the country’s capital, New Delhi, under a public health emergency with the levels of pollution reached by this Friday. The measure, which assumes the closure of schools and the halting of the construction sector until next week, has been announced by the Authority for the Control of Pollution in the Environment (EPCA, in its acronym in English), a panel of specialists of the main body of the judicial power indian. The high levels of pollution are common at this time of year in the north of India and, in particular, in New Delhi, where this year the local authorities have distributed free masks to minors.

Around five million of these masks are being distributed among the most vulnerable population in Delhi, children and the elderly, according to sources in the Government of the capital. This and other exceptional measures have also been put at the disposal of the German delegation accompanying Angela Merkel, on an official visit in the asian country.

unlike the clean air of Berlin, the German chancellor has been found with levels of pollution 20 times more toxic than those recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). “The masks do not serve. You can barely see, and the eyes will cry as soon as you put one foot in the street,” complained Saloni Kumari, on returning home from work to his house, to the south of New Delhi.


New Delhi, the city with the air most toxic in the world, reduces the pollution a 25% New Delhi, capital of the world pollution

the head of The Delhi Government, Arvind Kejriwal, has compared this Friday at the indian capital with a “gas chamber”, at the time that he announced on Twitter that the city schools will be closed until Tuesday of next week, five of November. For its part, the EPCA also recommended the cessation of all activities related to the construction sector until the 4th of November.

The Embassy of Spain in India has closed their doors on a day that, according to the measurements, the concentration of fine particles (PM2.5) amounted to 533 micrograms per cubic meter, when the who recommends that levels of these particles, which are harmful to the lungs, not to exceed 25 micrograms per cubic meter.

“you Are advised not to do outdoor exercise until you go down the levels of contamination and take special care of the child population and in the age of risk. It is a very serious situation and we hope the intervention, as well as the strict implementation and full compliance of the instructions issued”, said the chairman of the EPCA, Bhure Lal. Your letter also contained a prohibition explicit in the industries of the coal and the use of fireworks, a common practice at this time of year that we celebrate a multitude of weddings and religious festivals, such as Diwali, a week ago. In addition, the recipient of the letter was not only the Government of Delhi. Also the public authorities of neighbouring States such as Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.

satellite Image provided by NOAA, shows the cloud of contamination on Delhi. HO AFP

Every year around this time, more than two million peasants of the agricultural regions, and border with their capital, burn around 23 million tonnes of grasslands in controlled fire. This period coincides with the end of the monsoon that lowered the temperatures and the speed of the air, the more dense by the smoke, which is concentrated around New Delhi. Both phenomena, united to the natural frontier of the Himalayas to the north, concentrate the toxic air from the fires intentional in locations north of the asian country. So, not only their capital, but several of the cities that dominate the list of the most polluted in the world are in this area of India.


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