Monastery: “I don’t remember if in 2003 I was an architect” Espinosa de los Monteros and Monastery were built and sold without a license a block of ‘lofts’, A new scandal real estate splashed to the Monastery and Espinosa de los Monteros

Rocio Monasterio, president of Vox in Madrid and an autonomous representative in this community, presented its project of end of career (PFC), to obtain the degree of Architecture, in October 2009, according to the information contained in the file in the library of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, where he studied the race. This is a project for a tourism in Tenerife. Two months later, the 21 of December of 2009, he enrolled in the College of Architects of Madrid (COAM). However, by then he was already nine years at the head of a study with its own name, Rocío Monasterio and Associates, which had completed several projects in Madrid. In one of them, the construction of three residential lofts in the calle Villafranca, 6, this newspaper has had access to the plans of September 2003, where it appears with clarity: “Architect: Rocío Monasterio”, when it’s still not what it was.

Among the projects of his studio in those years are the two cases with irregularities revealed by this newspaper in the past two weeks and that the Madrid city Council is already investigating. Industry sources confirm that in order to be an architect and practise as such it is essential to submit the PFC, a subject more. With just the title it is possible to colegiarse and, then, to obtain a building licence it is essential to a project approved by the professional association. This newspaper tried to obtain an explanation of Dew Monastery for two days without obtaining a response, or through a spokesperson or in your personal mobile. This Monday, in an appearance before the press, the president of Vox in Madrid said: “right Now I don’t remember when it was or when it was not architect”. Unlike the other guilds, in Madrid it is usual among new graduates is to enroll soon in the COAM, because it does not have a fee very high, around 250 euros per year, and it makes no sense to defer it. Monastery has declined to explain why he did not do so until 2009.

The project of end of career is a process that is stuck to many students of architecture, and is frequent times will be postponed while they work on studies.Have the necessary training and preparation, but cannot sign projects. In any case, the professional who is heading the study is your letter of presentation and always have the papers in rule.

José Manuel Pardo Franco, during a press conference. In the video, his statements about the scandal real estate that splashed to Spray Monastery. PHOTO: EFE | VIDEO: Europapress

Dew Monastery, born in 1974, studied at the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM), Polytechnic University, and finished the race in the nineties, in the absence of the PFC. He began working as a designer in architecture offices in 1994, as contained in his resume posted on Linkedin. Finally, in 2000 he founded his own studio, Mist, Monastery, and Associates, which is dedicated to the architecture, the rehabilitation and interior design, as reflected in its website. He started his activity next to his husband, Ivan Espinosa de los Monteros, real estate developer and until the dissolution of the Cortes, in September, a spokesman for Vox in the Congress.

THE COUNTRY has revealed this month anomalies in two works of major Espinosa de los Monteros and the study of the Monastery took place in Madrid in 2004 and 2007, in the buildings of Peter Heredia, 6, and Villafranca, 6, in the area of Sales, district of madrid’s Salamanca district. In both cases, it was the construction of lofts in old factories, despite being in soil for industrial use, and licenses that were actually for small jobs. In both buildings, one of their buyers, one in the first case and two in the other, hold that assured them that the certificate of occupancy was pending and it was only a matter of time, extreme that denies the marriage of the leaders of Vox. The buyers were pushed out of the housing 10 years later for not having the license.

Plane of a segregation and reform of an industrial warehouse where we built three lofts illegally. Bears the signature of an architect of Dew Monastery, in 2003, when there was still no title.

In the planes of the work carried out in 2004, the inscription on the base is clear: “Architect: Rocío Monasterio”. They were introduced by Espinosa de los Monteros in a meeting of the community of neighbours of that year. The buyers knew of the offer of sale of real estate through the study of Monastery. When finally she colegió in 2009, the professional address that you indicated was, precisely, Pedro Heredia, 6, at one of the spots that you just build without the appropriate license.

Dew Monastery had kept silent these two weeks to the news published by this newspaper noted this Monday that he did not remember when he graduated. Her husband, Espinosa de los Monteros has made comments via Twitter, but has not denied the information.

The couple has been faced with a third case of irregularities real estate, the of his own residence, located in the district of Chamartín of Madrid. The last 3 September, the Madrid city Hall issued an order closing and seal of his villa, which also houses the study of architecture of the Monastery for not having a license of occupation or operation of this activity. They decided to close the firm voluntarily to the end of the month and in October, after the submission of an inspection, the city Council granted them a year to legalize the property. In June, the leader of Vox was sentenced to pay more than 60,000 euros to a creditor by not paying part of the cost of the works at that same chalet.

File of the project of end of career (PFC) Dew Monastery, presented in 2009, when they had already spent years practicing the profession.


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