Because of the numerous Ebola cases in the Congo, the world health organization (WHO) has convened for Wednesday, the crisis Committee. The WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said. The experts should decide whether, in view of the growing number of cases, the world health is threatened. There is a danger that the infectious disease spreads to Uganda and Rwanda.

In the East of the Congo have already died 100 people to Ebola. A further 35 Deaths were considered according to the Congolese Ministry of health as suspected Ebola cases, the infection has not been clearly demonstrated. A total of 211 people had been infected, in all probability, since the beginning of the epidemic at the end of July with the hemorrhagic fever. 55 patients could be cured, according to the Ministry yet again.

One of the most dangerous pathogens at all

The Ebola outbreak in the North Kivu province of the tenth epidemic in the Congo already since the discovery of the disease there in the 70s. The Central African country has, therefore, experience in the control of small outbreaks of a Congolese river named disease. The new epidemic will affect a major city and an area with a problematic security situation.

The Ebola Virus is one of the most dangerous pathogens in the world. In the case of an epidemic 2014/2015 died in West Africa, more than 11,000 people. Infected patients can transmit the Virus easily. Researchers suspect that people at the beginning of an epidemic infected through the consumption of wild animals such as bats.


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