This is called a successful Start: the first Original series by the RTL group’s Online platform operated TV NOW garnered excellent reviews. “M – eine Stadt sucht einen mörder”. The six-million-Euro production was given by the Austrian Rundfunk and RTL Crime in order. During the six-parter was broadcast in February in the ORF, must complete German viewers a subscription in the paid streaming portal TV NOW, if you want to see the series. Moritz Pohl, head of Video-on-Demand Content at RTL interactive and for the Expansion of the platform with content. He spoke with the star about TV NOW.
Mr Pohl, was the series “M – a city searches for a murderer” from the beginning, for the exclusive Germany-presentation on TV NOW?
“M – eine Stadt sucht einen mörder” With this series, RTL, Netflix competition – be worthwhile for 4,99 Euro? Carsten Heidböhmer
in fact, we have “M – eine Stadt sucht einen mörder” first of all, as the first in-house production for our Pay-TV channels RTL Crime are developed and produced. In Parallel, the development and the construction of our new Streaming service TV NOW and since it was very quickly clear that “M” is a very, very good program for our first fictional Original, with the we, the platform of a large Public can make delivery. We generally produce for the media group RTL and the programs show where you fit best. “M” is the perfect program for TV NOW: an exciting, intelligent, over several parts of it narrated Thriller with a outstanding Star cast in a stunning cinematic Look.
Has complied with the series of your expectations, in terms of Video views and the acquisition of new customers,?
Only so much: We are very satisfied with the use of this powerful lighthouse. “M” was not only praised by the critics, but also of the series, Fans believed.
are you Planning further exclusive in-house productions for TV NOW?
The Trailer for the series M – eine Stadt sucht einen mörder
the goal is to reach with TV NOW a large audience with a strong German content. This exclusive series, Shows and productions. The Reality Show “Temptation Island” is currently an exclusive in-house production, we reach a large audience on “M”. Previously, we have by the way already with “the Bachelor – Now the women talk produced!” is also a TV NOW Original. In addition, our new Streaming service offers a wide range of content, such as, for example, starting in April, with the Exclusive series “the truth about The case of Harry Quebert” with “Grey’s Anatomy”Star Patrick Dempsey, or in may, also exclusive of Agatha Christie’s “Grint The murders of the Mr. ABC” with John Malkovich and Rupert. For more exclusive series and original productions are in planning.
and the idea Is to broadcast on RTL?
“M” is a TV NOW Original and to be seen and located. “M” was adopted in the Free-TV exploitation in the case of our co-production Partner, ORF in Austria very well. The majority of the audience was thrilled. If “M” is also to be seen at some point in Germany on Free TV, it will show. There are currently no plans to do so.
TV NOW monthly costs 4,99 Euro. For this, the customer gets a lot of RTL content in advance, this includes Live Streams of the family of channels (RTL, RTL 2, Vox, RTL Nitro, Super RTL and n-TV), as well as the exclusive series “M – a city searches for a murderer”. Since 1. April is also available in the series “the truth about The case of Harry Quebert” for retrieval.
movie scenes from: “M – a city searches for a murderer” – that’s what the series Fullscreen
The Austrian Director David Schalko (“brown bounce”), Fritz Lang’s classic movie “M – eine Stadt sucht staged a murderer”. Schalko transported to the template from the year 1931 to the present-day Vienna. The story is much the same: A killer of children in the city of on the loose and unsettled population.
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