Kevin Gatlin, an American from Charlotte, North Carolina, is a father himself. When he visited the child of a friend in the hospital, he realized how bad the stay for children really is. Be connected to machines, the family is not there, the environment is completely unknown and everything is white, sterile, easy-to-foreign – the need to stress out children and confuse.

So Gatlin came up with the idea to design bedding, on the Board of the games are shown. So the kids can play in their own bed. The bedding is also colorful, so that the drabness of the hospital room, and will be driven. He spoke with friends, teachers and Doctors, who all were enthusiastic about the idea, and him actively in the implementation of supported. As a result, he founded the company “Playtime Edventures”.

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Part of our company’s commitment is to children and communities. We believe that our bedding products create a calming distraction for children forced into potentially traumatic situations because of circumstances out of their control. Your purchase will have a significant, positive impact on families — and specifically the lives of children. If we join together, we can do a lot more to keep children safe while giving them comfort and support. For more information on how to donate our Playtime Bedsheets to a children’s hospital click on the link in our bio! ?

A post shared by Playtime Edventures LLC (@play time bedsheets) on Apr 25, 2017 1:50 PM PDT

writes His wife inspired him

On the Website of the company Gatlin, where he got the Inspiration for the linen drew. “For reasons of space, my wife used the bed of our son as a Desk,” so a bed could be used as a Game pad. Thus were born the “Playtime Therapy Bed Sheets”. The therapy linen extends the children’s play area in the hospital room and offers you a safe place to play, learn, sleep and healthy can be. The bed linen is available in several versions, with a total of 50 interactive Games. Gatlin designed the bedding for two years.

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Part of our company’s commitment is to children and communities. We believe that our bedding products create a calming distraction for children forced into potentially traumatic situations because of circumstances out of their control. Your purchase will have a significant, positive impact on families — and specifically the lives of children. If we join together, we can do a lot more to keep children safe while giving them comfort and support. LINK IN BIO!

A post shared by Playtime Edventures LLC (@play time bedsheets) on Mar 28, 2017 11:39 PM PDT

The linen can

be donated to The linen can also be used for the private use of purchased, the focus of the project is that it aims to help children. Therefore, there is the Option to donate bedding to the needy children. The donation can go directly to a specific child or to hospitals. “As a company, we are committed to kids and communities, and will do so always. We currently work with children’s hospitals, women’s-children’s homes, and international relief organizations! We believe that our bed is a calming distraction for children in potentially traumatic situations are forced by circumstances beyond their control.”

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The Playtime Slumber Bags turned out great! And they feel great as well! We’ll start selling soon!

A post shared by Playtime Edventures LLC (@play time bedsheets) on Aug 29, 2017 6:40 PM PDT

sources: Instagram, Website of Playtime Edventures



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