Offenbach (dpa/tmn) – in addition to a wrong purchase planning also wrong to be able to Allow it in the refrigerator lead to food waste. The Initiative, house devices+ points.

Because food different cooling needs, it is important to select the correct tray, so they stay fresh longer. Also, the device type plays a role.

In the traditional cooling cabinets with static cooling drops, the cold air, the warm rises. The warmest areas within the Cabinet, the top shelf, and the door compartments are, therefore, ideal for jam, open Dressings, Butter and baked goods.

In the middle of the milk and milk products, eggs, and even cooked foods place. The glass plate at the bottom is the coldest Region, a perishable food such as meat, sausage and fish camps at the best. In the boxes underneath it is again a bit warmer, because the glass plate prevents the cold – they are ideal for fruit, vegetables and herbs.

In modern cooling devices is a cooling fan for the same temperatures and humidity, so that consumers can store food at each spot. However, there is usually Extras such as Zero-degree zones. They are often split into a “Dry”compartment for meat or cheese with 50 percent humidity and a “Wet”compartment for vegetables and salad, with about 90 percent humidity. There sheet remained just salads and berries are no longer crisp.


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