
Jennifer Garner was never nice

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On the Cover of the “Beautiful”issue of the U.S. magazine “People” is in this year, the actress Jennifer Garner (47, “30 over night”). In the accompanying Interview, the mother of three children, the ground is constantly and grateful – and reveals why her beauty is not that important.

“I was absolutely none of the pretty girls, so I bypassed the uncertainties just and myself attractive I have seen. It just wasn’t part of my life,” explains the 47-Year-old today. Well felt she was nevertheless – or precisely because of this: “The appearance was not an issue in my family. I don’t think my parents have ever said: ‘you are pretty’. And that is why we have never thought of it.”

your kids will want to bring the “mom-Look”

This Tradition seems to be the actress in your family. Home carries the triple Mama and Ex-wife of Ben Affleck (46, “Gone Girl”) almost exclusively sports clothes. Even showers don’t make them often, not to mention Make-up, she reveals.

Therefore, respond to their children, almost irritated, when Garner from a glamorous photo shoot to come home. “I feel like the best Version of my self. And you look at me and say: ‘Can you wash your face, tie your hair in a ponytail, your glasses and a pair of sweatpants to wear?'” You see it as a compliment: “you want me to look like your mom.”

“People” with Tradition

in 2018, the US magazine “People broke the breaks” with Tradition, to nominate annually to the “most beautiful woman in the world”. The Bulletin was renamed “The Beautiful Issue” (beauty edition), “to clarify that it is not a beauty contest,” said the editors at the time. On the title page of the booklet, the singer Pink (39) was seen with her two children.



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