
Duchess Meghan has their Tricks to make up in High Heels, a good figure

©imago images / Starface

Hardly a woman may fear a lot of you: High Heels ensure elegance, Glamour and a great Look. But, unfortunately, the swelling and pain associated with most bubbles, the end of feet. The high shoes to wear easily.

To the size of s is’

Even if it has to be a 41 – high shoes, you should never buy in the usual size and not too small. Because the woman stuffs the toe with cotton wool or a lightweight fabric, are padded on the toes and the Shoe is suddenly much more convenient. By the way: Who is buying Heels in the morning, I rarely need a Favor. Since the feet are in the afternoon, you can be sure that the shoes really sit properly.

High Heels stretch

The shifted weight to the front foot creates the impression that the high heel shoes are narrower than flat. To cheat to a size just a freezer bag fill with water in the shoes and place overnight in the freezer to be deposited. The freezing water expands, and expands the shoes.

The right gear

the higher the heel insert, the shorter the steps! Women should not only try the shoes on your feet, but also themselves to the Shoe. Major steps in High Heels might be on the Catwalk beautifully, in everyday use, this gear is very reminiscent of a staksenden stork. Thus, the speed really comes in liquid, therefore, should a woman prefer to do small steps.



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