published An April fool’s joke and its consequences: As Felix Neureuther, a few days ago on his Instagram Account for a music video, he wanted to fool actually only one thing – his Fans. After the end of his Skirenn career he was planning a career as a percussion musician, wrote the 35-Year-old. The matching artist name Neureuther had also been the Council of Europe: the Wedler, a nod to pop singer Michael Wendler. However, during the has already released a new Single more, is about to start Neureuther now.

“In the first place I come to naked in Flori”

as a joke, imaginary Song “drifting” made it into the Top Ten of the German iTunes Charts and climbed even. In front of him only Rammstein were with their current Single “Germany”. To be a success, the Neureuther self can’t believe. In an Instagram Story, he announced even full-bodied: “In the first place, I’m naked in Flori.” Thus, the Bayer says the Florian silbereisen on ARD moderated hit Shows, which regularly achieve a million-audience.

“I’m curious, if Felix is brave enough to fulfill his promise. Armin Rohde has, at the time, in the case of ‘Wetten, dass.. ?’ shown how to do it,” said silver, iron, the “image”-newspaper. Actor Armin Rohde was occurred in 2003, after a lost bet with only an apron in the ZDF-Show.

the naked bet Neureuther Was just a fun? Fullscreen

the actor Armin Rohde in March 2003, as a naked streaker at “Wetten, dass…?”

©epa Keystone Flueeler Picture-Alliance

Neureuther rowed back, in the meantime, and described the betting proposal as “fun”. “My wife laughed, come on, that’s funny that you can post – but I don’t think you would find it so cool, if I were to actually occur naked,” said the Ex-athlete.

From the “image” admitted Neureuther, that he would be to the appearance – if silver iron would invite him. “That would be quite funny, but I can’t imagine for the life of me,” he said. On the invitation it is not likely to fail, and the enthusiasm for Neureuthers Song is so great, that his Fans want him to heave necessarily to be number one in the Charts. Even celebrities such as football player, Thomas Müller, Ex-biathlete Magdalena Neuner and singer DJ Ötzi attest Neureuther on his Instagram Account Talent.

“I will never appear naked in TV”

However, the son of Rosi Mittermaier and Christian Neureuther, has issued a Nude-is a clear rejection. “I will never appear naked on TV and no appearance at Florian silbereisen! What was meant as fun, unfortunately, had been incorrectly interpreted. That was not my goal,” he wrote on his Instagram Account. Neureuther reminded once more that all proceeds from the Song will be donated for good purposes. “This is crucial! Not where and when I’m going to occur,” he says.

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This is my passion and I identify myself!!! I will never appear naked on TV and no appearance at Florian silbereisen! What was meant as fun, unfortunately, had been incorrectly interpreted. That was not my goal. “Leave” was an April fool’s joke that was so much fun. Especially that it was so well received, we would have never thought possible. Thanks for ?! It will serve a good purpose. This is crucial! Not where and when I will thus occur. Lg Your Wedler 😉 #nosnownoshow

A post shared by Felix Neureuther (@felix_neureuther) on Apr 5, 2019 at 3:42am PDT

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