Hitler was going to rename Moscow, Leningrad and the Volga

History 03/03/20 How Hitler was going to rename Moscow, Leningrad and the Volga

“History is written by the winners” – this is a Nazi-fascist approach. In any case, the author of this Maxim is Anton Drexler, the founder of the NSDAP party, which was headed by Adolf Hitler himself. Well, the “writing of history” in his own way involves, first and foremost, rename – in strict accordance with cynical and aggressive policies “ubermenshey”. The leadership of the Third Reich had intended fairly “perquisite” not only their own, but our core names.

a Little laughter through the tears of blood

“capital of the world Germany” was supposed to be called the Berlin after the alleged victory of the Wehrmacht wherever possible and impossible. In Prussian königsberg, who later became the Soviet Kaliningrad, Central square was renamed “Adolf-Hitler-Platz” – and this designation remained until the defeat of the Nazis in 1945.

it is Clear that the principle of the thing was the renaming of Stalingrad. It would be strange if Stalingrad continued to be called a city, flooded already not red, but brown wave. It is not clear exactly how it was supposed to solve this issue. In “Soviet Russia”, dated 9 April 2005 issued a note about what a nice city on the Volga wanted to be called “Hitlerjugen”. The author of the article Oleg Shiryaev, however, provides no documentary evidence of this plan.

very often changed the names of the streets in Czechoslovakia. German heroes, writers, poets, musicians, preachers, politicians and public figures, including those who lived many centuries ago… Their names from the end of the 1930-ies and until the end of world war II have been designated streets, mostly in the Central. Of particular interest was the characters related to Germany, and Czechoslovakia: for example, Marshal von Schwerin, who was killed at Prague in 1757.

the Fuhrer tried to “hook” it is a key place names, to understand who you are dealing with and who is now the owner. And the master of the absolute, just in honor of him and in honor of his command to break and redraw the monuments of national cultures. Apparently, the phrase “History is written by the winners” – the leader and Reich Chancellor took literally.

But, first and foremost, Hitler was interested in, of course, Moscow and Leningrad as a key city of the main enemy.

the Main city and the main river

Know the intention of the Fuehrer to equalize the Soviet capital with the land – of course, after a magnificent and victorious national socialist celebrations on its territory. Then cover with water. And in the name of the result of their actions to appeal to the past.

Objects are intended to destroy not chaotically but in a strict sequence starting with the most strategically important. The first “under the knife” went to the Mausoleum: to eliminate specially prepared a group of German bombers.

most Likely, flood Moscow planned due to the explosion of the dams of the Istra and the Khimki reservoir, with the result that their contents would be merged together, forming something like a huge lake. In the middle of which the Nazis wanted to erect a giant monument with plaque, which adorned the inscription: “Es war Moskau”, (“there was a Moscow”).

For the new name was assumed working title “the Moscow water reservoir”. Before creating Hitler wanted to parade on the red square with the participation of the French Foreign Legion. The event would emphasize the unconditional victory of “brown” over “red”.

So instead of Moscow assumed even neither of the town nor any other town, and the smooth surface of the water with a monstrous monument in the middle.

it was Planned, however, and an alternative scenario. 16 July 1941 Hitler had planned to establish a “Reich Commissariat of Muscovy” led by diplomat Siegfried Porridge. The newly formed state body be controlled by Moscow and the Moscow region. This means that not only allowed the option of total destruction.

Northern capital, is not likely would have suffered a tragic fate. After all “Window to Europe”. But to rename Leningrad was intended, given its entry into the “European community”. The city would become known as (S.) Petersburg. Practically the whole of our actual name.

However, there are other details, is not so encouraging. Historian and publicist Konstantin Zaleski, author of “Encyclopedia of the Third Reich”, I am convinced that Leningrad was to be the elimination of as “waste material”. In the capital of the Russian Empire is a lot of architectural and sculptural masterpieces, which could not be confused “Aryans”, who believed that “creators” can only be they.

a Particularly unpleasant experience formed the Nazi soldiers and the Nazi leadership from the Volga, which the Germans called “the main Russian river”. Hinted not only on its importance, but the fact that the Soviet troops were especially strong in this region.

at first, Hitler was sure that the adjacent land will be able to win without heavy fighting, but came, as you know, is exactly the opposite. The red Army in the battle of Stalingrad not only drove the Germans far back, but also caused them irreparable damage. It would seem that this sort of natural name definitely needs to change. But no.

the Planned “Reich Commissariat of Volga-don”, headed by Dietrich Klagges testified that renaming the “main river Russian”, delivered to the Nazis so much trouble, most likely, would not have happened.

the Thesis that “history is written by the winners” have backfired in the first place, its authors. They did not come out.

Ilya Pozhidaev

© Russian Seven

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