History 21/03/20 How many impostors call themselves Russian tsars
Four dozen “DOE III” seven “princes of the Petrovic Alekseev”, five Falsdmitry, four Luivac… red thread of Russian history is riddled with the phenomenon of imposture, which reached its peak at the time of Troubles continued into the era of Palace coups and easy echoed in our days.
the Peasant princes
the Most famous of “discoverers” was the Osinovik, who called himself the grandson of Ivan the terrible. On the origin of the pretender is not known, however, there is evidence that it belonged to the Cossacks or was “pokazatelem” peasant. “The Prince” first appeared in 1607 in Astrakhan. The idea of Osinovik supported the “brothers” – lutarevich Ivan Augustine and Lawrence. Trinity managed to convince the Volga and the don Cossacks to “seek truth” in Moscow (or Cossacks managed to convince the Trinity?). According to one version, during the campaign between the “princes” there was a dispute from the category of “you respect me?” or “who of us the most that neither is true-prenesti?” During clashes Osinovik and was killed. According to another version, the Cossacks could not forgive the “leader” of the defeat at the battle of Saratov and hung “thief and impostor”. All three impostors were named the chronicle the nickname “peasant princes”.
rags and other false Dmitry
the time of Troubles in Russia came with the death of Tsarevich Dmitry, the youngest son of Ivan the terrible. Was he stabbed people Godunov or impaled himself on the knife during the game? – is not known. However, his death led to the fact that the impostors began to appear in the country like mushrooms after a rain. False Dmitry I was a runaway monk Grigory otrepyev, who with the support of the Polish armies in 1605 ascended to the throne, while it is even acknowledged “mother” Maria Naked and “Chairman of the Commission of inquiry”, another future Tsar Vasily Shuisky.
the Soldier had managed to “steer” country year, after which he was killed by the boyars. Almost immediately turned up the second “pretender to the throne” pretending to be now for the false Dmitry I, who managed to escape from the violence of the boyars.
In the history of false Dmitry II went by the nickname “Tushino thief”. After 6 years of Russian history and the false Dmitry III, or “thief of Pskov”. However, neither the one nor the other to Moscow is not reached.
Leiviska in Russian history is called a huge number of “offspring” of the false Dmitry and Polish noblewoman Maria Mniszek, who was the wife of both the first and second “Prince Dimitri”.
According to one version, the real son of Mary Mnishek Ivashka “Valenok” was hanged at Serpukhov gates in Moscow. Noose around the neck of the boy really could not be delayed due to its low weight, however, most likely, the child died from the cold.
Later about his “miraculous escape,” said the Polish nobleman Jan Luba, which after long negotiations, in 1645 gave Moscow, where he confessed to the imposture, and was pardoned. Another Leiviska showed up in Istanbul in 1646, decided to call themselves the Ukrainian Cossack Ivan Perguntar.
“the Son” Tsar Vasily Shuisky
Officials from Vologda Timofei Ankudinov was an impostor, rather by coincidence. Entangled in business and, according to one version, before he could take a decent amount of money, he burned down his house (along, incidentally, with his wife, who wanted him to give) and fled abroad. There is a Timosha suffered… In the past 9 years, he toured Europe under the name “Prince Perm” and gave himself up for never existed son of Tsar Vasily IV Shuisky.
Thanks to the ingenuity and artistry, enlisted the support of very influential persons, among them Bohdan Khmelnitsky, Queen Christina of Sweden, Pope innocent X.
In the case of his “reign” promised to “share territories” and offered a number of other concessions, in formulating their decrees, in which his signature was affixed a sealYu. In the end, was issued by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, delivered to Moscow and quartered.
Many actions of Peter the Great caused the people, to put it mildly, a misunderstanding. And then by country crawling rumors that ruled the country “spoofed German”. Here and there began to appear “real kings”.
the First Also became Terence Chumakov, who started his journey from Smolensk. Obviously half-crazed man called Pyotr Alexeitch and “secretly studied their lands, and watched who and what says about the king”.
He finished his “revision” there, in the Smolensk – died, unable to withstand the torture. Moscow merchant Timothy Kobylkin – another “Peter”. On the way to Pskov, a merchant was robbed by the robbers. Home had to reach on foot, and the rest, of course, in roadside restaurants. Do not think of anything smarter than to introduce the first captain of the Preobrazhensky regiment, Peter Alexeyev, the merchant, of course, received the honor and respect, and together with them and lunch with drinks “for the appetite”. Intoxicating so permeated the mind of the poor man that he began to send local magistrates threatening dispatches. Over history it would be laughable, if not sad end. Upon returning home Kobylkin was arrested and after being tortured and beheaded.
“the Heirs” Peter
As is known, Peter the Great, suspecting his son of conspiracy and treason, sentenced the first-born of death. Quite logical was the emergence of rumors “about the miraculous escape of Prince” that led to the emergence of a sufficient number of “heirs”, ready in the future to claim the throne. In the history is mentioned at least seven “descendants” of Peter. Despite the fact that they were all crazy, drunkard or vagrant, they were expected to one event – the death penalty.
Petra III
Especially “lucky” to impostors Peter III, who was removed from the Board’s own wife, Catherine II, and then killed.
People did not believe in cmart poor king, maybe that’s why the first impostor – a runaway soldier Gavrila Kremnev polutoratysyachnogo and his army marching on Moscow, people watched the icons and the ringing of bells.
However, only seeing the regular army, the army of the “king” fled. Catherine graciously reacted to the “applicant”: commanded to burn on the forehead “BS” (fugitive and an impostor), to carry on villages, where “the king” “were” speeches, and publicly flogged with a whip, and then refers to eternal servitude. The Queen with her usual irony, advised subjects to fast not only in food, but in drink. A little later she gets serious, when the country salihara from Pugachev.
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