History 29/02/20 how the USSR bought plan of attack Hitler at Kursk
the Turning point “battle of Kursk” lasted a month and a half. During the offensive of the Wehrmacht, which the German command called “Citadel”, the Soviet troops with great effort and casualties destroyed 1.5 thousand German tanks and 1.7 planes. The wounded and dead, Germany lost 500 thousand people and from this blow the Reich could not recover. After Kursk, the Germans finally lose the initiative and begin to fall back to the West.
With the plan of “Citadel” Stalin reviewed, three days before Hitler, 12 April 1943. The main role in the kidnapping of the document was played by Rudolf Roessler, who for his services received 500 thousand dollars. Due to this, the Soviet command was able to organize to pull the troops, to organize the defense and prepare the operation for applying the counterattack in the bloodless group of German troops
the Information in exchange for money
Rudolf Roessler was born in Bavaria, and considered himself a German patriot. During the First world war he enlisted, but understood that he could not kill the man, so went on the attack with an unloaded weapon. Because of the disagreement with the policies of the Nazis in 1934 Ressler moved to Switzerland, but in Germany he still has many friends, including fellow soldiers, who held high army regiments. In exile Ressler opened a modest publishing house, which became a cover for his espionage activities.
Swiss researcher Dietrich Mainz believes that after the war Ressler put the sale of intelligence on the flow. He was not a Communist or ideological enemies of the Nazi regime, so the extracted agents have information the British and Americans paid the money. Spy tried to establish contact with Soviet intelligence, which has long considered him a provocateur. Cooperation with the German spy of the GRU beginning after the autumn of 1942.
Ressler has received a nickname “Lucy” and the real name of the source in the General staff of the USSR did not know until may 1944. Rudolph has been called the most highly paid agent of the Soviet intelligence, but also produced them information was very important to win. In addition to the plan of the Citadel he provided drawings German tank “Panther” and other new weapons of the Reich. During the Nuremberg trials, Colonel-General Alfred Jodl, head of the operational leadership of the Wehrmacht high command said that: “Stalin received the documents on our offensive at Kursk where before they were on my Desk”.
As he worked Ressler
For assertions of some researchers and the Ressler worked for him up to 200 spies, including the German General staff and among the personal entourage of Hitler. Agent “Werther” (he gave the plan “Citadel”) was leaking information about upcoming operations of the Wehrmacht. Olga mined information from the headquarters of the Luftwaffe, and “Anna” in the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Reich. The document also listed the names of Teddy and bill.
On the requirements of the GRU to name the real names of spies its network Lucy refused. The West German magazine “der Spiegel” in one of his articles claimed that on Ressler worked as a single agent, and the rest he made up for the importance of and the ability to knock out Russian more money. The head of intelligence of the NKVD Lieutenant-General Pavel Sudoplatov believed that Ressler cooperated with British intelligence. Through the London dosed gave British spies the extracted information to Moscow.
step away from failure
To the capture of Rudolf Rossler, the Germans decided to get creative. The Nazis found out that sending the obtained explored in Moscow produces a 23-year-old radio operator Margarita in the Valley. To “work” with a young girl, the Abwehr sent to Switzerland handsome officer Hans Peters, professionally trained to seduce women. One of the common nights Margarita slip and called the book, used to encrypt messages.
in the Autumn of 1943, the Valley was arrested by the Swiss policeI, and in may 1944 was detained and Rudolph. The Germans in the rigid form demanded to give them the puppeteer who was able to name Werther and other spies. Realizing that the Reich would lose the war, the Swiss decided not to spoil relations with the USSR and refused to issue. Ressler is fully justified, and the unlucky spy was given 9 months probation and sentenced to a small fine.
After the war, Rudolf Roessler continued to pass information to the USSR. After a few years he was detained and a year in jail. After the release of the most expensive Soviet spy, lived one year and died at the age of 61.
Alexander Brazhnik
© Russian Seven
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