The gendarme of personal data in france, the Cnil, has pinned Thursday the groups of social protection Malakoff Médéric and Humanis, to have mistakenly used the personal data of funds supplemental retirement Agirc and Arrco.

In total, five companies of the two groups are put in abode by the national Commission on informatics and liberties to cease within one month of the challenged practices.

One month to comply with the law

What is he reproached ? Humanis and Malakoff-Médéric have access to personal data held by the Agirc and Arrco to collect contributions and pay allowances to retirement. But the two groups are accused of having used these data to “make the commercial prospecting for the products and services”.

“This use has affected hundreds of thousands of people”, according to the Cnil. “This notice is not a sanction. In effect, no result will be given if the group companies Humanis and Malakoff-Médéric to comply with the law within a period of one month,” said the institution.

The two groups have shown to take note of this abode which was not a sanction, adding that they would provide to the CNIL within the prescribed period the evidence of the consideration of their applications.

Humanis has stopped “all the relevant operations”

The Malakoff Médéric group has insured to “take all measures necessary to comply with this formal notice”, stating that “the facts in question does not impact in any way the security of the data of (their) insured persons, contributors and recipients”. For its part, Humanis guarantee that they have already stopped all operations concerned”.

Read our complete file

The Cnil imposed a fine of 50 million euros to Google 250 000 euros of fine for Bouygues Telecom video-Surveillance: the CNIL pin school 42

The two groups were engaged in mid-June, a proposed merger of their activities of supplementary pension and health insurance. This union must be effective January 1, 2019, in order to constitute a heavy weight of social protection in France. The merger of the two groups occurs in a context of multiple reconciliations in the French insurance sector, including mutual : more and more players are looking to join forces to overcome the effects of more stringent regulation and increased competition.


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