“Run for it” – this is the Motto of the “Wings for Life World Run” on may 5. May at the same time to tens of different locations around the world. Hundreds of thousands of runners take part in 2019 at the Charity run. All entry fees and additional donations received in the context of the Events, flow in the research to cure paraplegia.

organizers of the race is the non-profit Foundation “Wings for Life”, which has its headquarters in Salzburg, Austria. All costs are for the organization and conduct of a course required to be taken over, according to the Foundation’s sponsors.

Here you can donate:

Foundation star, IBAN: DE90 2007 0000 0469 9500 01


the keyword “spinal cord research”


+++ note – also you can donate and help: With your donation to the “Foundation star” supports selected charitable organisations so people all over the world for the better. star editors and see for yourself that your money is in good hands.

More information and a donation form can be found here +++

And so the “Wings for Life World Run”

work started The race in all Locations worldwide at the same time: To the point 11 PM UTC, so according to the current world time, which corresponds to 13 PM local time in Germany. A run started in Munich. Half an hour after the Start, a “Catcher Car takes” the pursuit of the runner. The longer a runner can get in front of the car to stay, the longer he is in the race. The woman and the man, the last still in the race to be crowned Champions. Who has not the ability to start at one of the venues, you can also participate via the App, and against a virtual Catcher Car start-up.

Where can you keep track of the “Wings for Life World Run”?

Servus TV will broadcast the race on the day, the live stream is available here.

sources: “Wings for live World Run”, Servus TV



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