The children – and youth house Bolle is located in the Eastern corner of Berlin, on the edge of a high-rise estate. To the left of the house there is “a lot of sausage for a little coal,” to the right of cheap clothes from discount stores. For the seven-year-old Maria the unattainable paradises. As they did at the lunch table in the children’s house all in wrapped, what was on your plate, she says: “I have a funny feeling in my stomach, is this normal?” Actually, already. When there is regularly something to eat.
But what means normal? 2.55 million children in Germany are affected by poverty. Here in Marzahn, life, 39 percent in families with Hartz IV are related, with those under six years old, there are even 41 percent. About 50 percent of the parents in the district belong to the lower formation layer. A school of bread in the knapsack, a training pants for physical education, a hot meal and someone to listen to and the Council knows – that children are waiting often in vain.
Some of the street children are not even missing
discovered Eckhard Baumann, 2009, the demolition of property on the high saatener road and with the help of donations acquired, was it already clear what needs would drive the children to him. Since 1996, the trained climate designer had taken care, especially street children, first as a volunteer, from 2000 and then as Chairman of the Association “straßenkinder e. V.”
The Association “straßenkinder e. V.” is dependent for its work on donations.
Here you can donate:
Foundation star, IBAN: DE90 2007 0000 0469 9500 01
the keyword “street children”
With donated Citroën Berlingo he drove criss-cross through the city, to the jannowitz bridge, to the Breitscheidplatz and Alexanderplatz and to the trailer on various industries. He knew the Places where the children stayed, distributed hot tea, soup and biscuits. And tried to trust them.
“Many of the street children in neighborhoods out of the Problem. Some are not yet even reported missing when they come home,” says Baumann. “Because there is a great need to effect also in the prevention of something.”
Who does his homework, Field is rewarded
before the crash, so it is in the children’s house. Baumann and his colleague, the social worker, Markus Kütter, a swift foot in the quarter, the hut was soon too small. In 2017, they opened up right next to a donations-funded new building, and since then, they expand their offer to the children of the district: eat, play, and learn are the basics of their work, child protection and building reliable relationships are in the foreground. For regular visits to the homework the children will receive points that you can swap in the in-house wardrobe with a new winter jacket, a sports pants, or a pair of shoes.
one afternoon at the end of January, it is Bolle strangely silent in the house. Baumann opens the door to the Toberaum. More than 120 heads turn and then back towards the screen: In two Workshops with the Big shot in the house films over your life, today, Premiere is. And all came.
“This is such a Moment, since the Smaller of the Large look up to, admire. And remember: Hey, I can do something. Since whole new perspectives open up suddenly,” says Baumann.
6500 street children live in Germany
Around 150 children and young people aged five to 18 years to visit every week the offers, 137 2018 went with the Bolle educators about camping or Climbing in the ore mountains. “The Kids we serve, are no less gifted than those from better living quarters,” says Baumann. “But your starting block is 30 metres further back. The need to change from the curve.”
Get the curve, they end up on the street. Baumann knows hundreds of such biographies: children and young people who were abandoned and eventually self-tasks. According to a study by the German youth Institute about 6500 street children live in Germany, about 65 percent of them are girls.
The children’s house Bolle focuses on prevention through care and support, so that neglected children are not runaway teenagers
©Christoph Harder star
in addition to the classical outliers, especially so – called care leaver, so children and young people who have left the institution, and for about six or seven years, more and more homeless minors from Eastern Europe.
Actually, would have to collect the police are all under the age of 18 years and at least in the short term, somewhere. “But much too little staff, just take what falls to you in front of the car,” says Markus Kütter.
Even William and Kate have Bolle visited
Two points of contact for homeless children and youth operates the club with his now 29 members of staff in Berlin, now a private house is to be built, which bundles all activities: thermal tube with shower and Laundry facilities, kitchen Shelters, assisted living and so-called transitional housing, Social and legal advice.
A plot of land for the “slug” in keeping with the project you have in views, plans, a sketch of the possible facade are finished. Only the money is missing yet. Since the Association’s work is funded almost 100 percent by donations, make Baumann and his comrades-in-arms once again on the socks, in order to win supporters.
Royals William and Kate visit street children in Berlin, DPA,
, you managed in all the years. Even Prince William and Duchess Catherine made Bolle a detour when they visited in 2017, Berlin. And just family Minister Franziska Giffey announced, to Fund the educational work of the “slug” in the first three years, with a total of 450,000 euros.
Apart from the chronic lack of funds the work with the street children is also tedious and often frustrating. “The people we serve, are very injured personalities,” explains Baumann. “Alone with someone from the office to sit down and dig our way out, the power and the confidence in the institutions is missing.”
Markus Kütter added: “Nobody wants to take responsibility. At the administrative level, we run into each other sometimes dead. Either the demand is denied, or you as questions for a long time, until our people are worn down and give up.”
Why Baumann’s many years ago gave up his steady Job to devote himself to at-risk youth and runaways, he has a very simple answer: “I wanted to get out, you know, you only live once,” he says. “I’m a newcomer to this, but my heart burns for it.”
donations from the star-reader for the project, leithe Foundation’s star tet more: Foundation star – help for people e. V. IBAN DE90 2007 0000 0469 9500 01 BIC DEUTDEHH – keyword “street children”; www.stiftungstern.de
Demo on 11. Of may in Berlin, “One of the biggest scandals”: As million children in Germany grow up living in poverty
More than four million children in Germany live in poverty. Are affected, particularly the families of single parents. A Demo in Berlin wants to draw attention to the Problem.
Eugen Epp