“sailing is fun, a nautical, which is nice,” says a well-known children’s song. Most of the time. All-you-can-eat Buffets, sun decks and relaxation on cruises. Added to this is of course the chance to marvel on a journey to several places and countries.

The ship is one of the safest means of transport in the world. Cruise ships have even miles, the lowest number of fatalities per billion Passenger, according to a report of a cruise consulting company G. P. Wild International. In 2011, the cruise industry recorded accordingly, a fatality rate of 0.08 to 0.8 in the aviation and 3.3 for cars.

study: cruises in a very safe

another survey by G. P. Wild also shows that the capacity of cruise ships between 2009 and 2016 to more than 41.5 per cent, is increased, but the number of operating incidents during the same period decreased to 19.4 incidents per year. Also, the number of people who have gone overboard, fell, according to the report, as well as the fire on Board the ship.

If you give the Numbers so Believe, then you can book confidently and without any Worries on a cruise. Nevertheless, to make incidents and accidents with cruise ships and other great passenger ships of the headlines, such as the recent wreck of the “Viking Sky”: The ship engine with about 1300 passengers on Board, incapable of manoeuvring in front of Hustadvika on the coast of Norway, in a severe storm. The passengers had to be evacuated by helicopter in a difficult rescue operation. 27 people were injured in the incident, for many of the passengers, the sinking was a traumatic experience.

wreck In the sea of cruise ship: The bad trip of the “Viking Sky” ends up safely in the port of DPA engine failure, “Viking Sky” is lame

the reason for the lack of Manoeuvrability: A failure of the engines of the ship. Due to the failure of the ship could not be driven screws, which ultimately led to the accident. Particularly explosive: The “Viking Sky” was only commissioned in 2017, is a relatively new and therefore the latest state of the art. Both the Norwegian police, as well as the engine manufacturer, YOU want to investigate from Germany the case now.

IT has four engineers to Norway, sent to help in the investigation. According to YOU you do not know what led to the engine failure. The team on Board had succeeded, however, three of the machines. IT is the leading manufacturer of large Diesel ship engines. To cases,

risk damage to the engine

Moto out and maneuvering the associated disability, it is relatively rare, but they happen. So, for example, in October 2018, as the DFDS-ferry “Regina Seaways” on the way from Kiel to the Lithuanian Klaipeda experienced after a failure of the primary machine a similar fate as the “Viking Sky”. Fortunately, there were no rough seas, and the 335 people on Board had to be removed from the aircraft. The ferry was dragging under its own power in the port of destination.

But not always, an engine failure is so easy: In February 2013, a fire in the engine room of the “Carnival Triumph” led to that the ship with over 3000 passengers, around 150 miles off the Mexican coast manoeuvring was unable to. The ship had to be pulled with tractors in a port to Mobile, Alabama. However, because of the engine failure, only the emergency power supply. Several toilets were out of service. Also, the food supply on Board was limited, and air-conditioning systems had failed. For the passengers it was a cruise of horror.

Even if such incidents are rare, and that the engine can be a weak point of large vessels, which can lead to further consequences. The case of the “Viking Sky” shows, that such a failure can be particularly dangerous if the ship gets into a storm. A capsize or run aground on Land belonging then to the dangers. In the case of the “Viking Sky” was the captain but quickly, and threw the anchor, preventing the ship met with a reason. The power outages, such as on the “Carnival Triumph”, and the rudimentary conditions that occur are also a challenge for crew and passengers.

“Carnival Magic” cruise ship is mistaken for Ebola through the Caribbean, DPA, engine failure is not the only risk at sea

in addition to the engine as a possible vulnerability, there are other potential hazards: Fall due to collision or running aground, for example. Far more dangerous is fire on Board. Such incidents may require either lead to motor cases, as in the case of the “Carnival Triumph”, or even human life, as in 1990 on the ferry “Scandinavian Star”, which went from Norway to Denmark.

In the night a fire broke out on one of the Decks. Investigators were arson, it was even claimed that the Crew had set the fire himself. By a high inflammatory wall color, non-automatic fire doors, defective fire protection systems, and an overburdened and insufficiently trained Crew, it then came to the disaster, in which 159 people burned or suffocated.

more and more safety rules

The “Scandinavian Star”disaster shocked the world and shook Scandinavia. The International Maritime organization (IMO), the United Nations drew the consequences from the accident: in 1992, a comprehensive fire protection have been adopted in regulations, the ships for all passengers still apply. This includes the upgrading of fire doors and Sprinkler and smoke detector systems. The escape routes should be improved.

However, despite the new and improved fire protection systems, it came back to the serious ship fires on the German Baltic sea. In 2010, there were on the DFDS ferry “Lisco Gloria” was an Explosion and a fire. The ship had to be evacuated. 28 people were injured, the ship burned down completely.

the report of the week “Aida Nova” amusement Park with gas: the first visit to Aidas cruise-Revolution By Till Bartels, A risk remains: the man

Even if such incidents, and disasters at sea are shocking, but they are relatively rare. And you are always an occasion for improvements in vessels, so that the bulk of the passenger and cruise ships in the world safely and without concerns traveled. A risk factor, however, remains and is also found in cars, trains and airplanes. Against him also the best security system can’t do that man.

in 2007, the cruise ship “Sea Diamond” in front of the Greek coast on a Rocks and struck leak – in spite of first-class facilities. The authorities called a navigation error at the time as the cause. The shipping company declared the accident an error on the chart. Two people died in the accident. The captain and several crew members had to stand trial for negligence.

in Spite of all adversities: A seafaring remains, even today, in most cases, funny and nice to stay in the children’s song. Most of the ships are ultra-modern and with a lot of security systems. Nevertheless, a residual risk remains, according to Murphy’s law: “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.”

sources: NRK, www.maritimeinjuryguide.org, CNN, the Cruise Lines International Association, www.cruisecritic.co.uk IMO, NDR (1), NDR (2), Cruise Industry News (1), Cruise Industry News (2), shz, VG, “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger”, USA Today, REUTERS


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