It was in January. A few days before the announcement of the resumption of Asco Industries, Xavier Bertrand, the president of the region Hauts-de-France, launched a warning : “We support the resumption of Ascometal by the group Liberty, headed by the Indian Sanjeev Gupta, because he proposes to resume Ascoval, the steel mill in Saint-Saulve. The swiss group Schmolz + Bickenbach wants to take back all Asco Industries, except Ascoval, which announces the future very difficult. “
The first great fiasco of industrial the president, Macron comes dangerously close to
The swiss finally won the establishment of… Eight months later, the 281 employees of the steel mill in Saint-Saulve (Nord) – are on the brink of a precipice. “We have the feeling to be in the corridor of death,” says Bruno Kopczynski, the spokesperson of the intersyndicale of the plant. “In the month of February of next year, I should reach my thirty year career here. I don’t think the live, because even if the court still gives us a few days to find a buyer, it is finished. What a mess ! “
on Wednesday 24 October, the commercial chamber of the tribunal de grande instance of Strasbourg has provided a new respite until 7 November to continue negotiations. Will this be enough ? Not sure, as the conditions of the recovery seem to be difficult. The first great fiasco of industrial the president, Macron comes dangerously close. This plant, he knows it well. He had visited the end of June 2016, as the minister of the economy, a few weeks before his departure from the government in order to launch his bid for the presidency.
“We learned it on our mobile phones,”
Tuesday, on his first visit to Valenciennes, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, the new secretary of State to the minister of economy and finance, tried one last time to reconcile Vallourec, the former owner of the mill, Altifort, the potential buyer, elected officials, and, most importantly, the employees, who live…