driving a car in Munich is becoming more and more spoiled. Firstly, because it attracts more and more people in the Bavarian capital, and thus also the number of vehicles increases. On the other hand it is also the one – sided and seasonal transport policy in Munich, which is aimed over the decades, not only against the individual car traffic-instead of these equally to the needs of the people. It is, in my opinion, only a question, to discriminate against the drivers and slowing down.

The majority of driving time with the car

Munich has exploded, more and more people flock to this city to Work, to Live, to live or to visit. The is also an increase in traffic – both in public TRANSPORT and in private transport. More people mean more vehicles. The figures attest to the ever-increasing approval. And we Germans love, as we know, our car is the most reliable, most convenient and often the fastest means of transport. About the experts

Dr. Michael Haberland studied business Economics with focus on empirical Sciences and information and communication Sciences. He is the founder of the automobile club Mobil in Deutschland e. V. and is its President.

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but, unfortunately, the impression that the green-managed city of Munich would banish the car rather completely out of the city. In the last years and decades, everything has been done to reduce the road space for vehicles in a consistent way, to destroy the Parking and the traffic flowing piece at a curb. The result: Every year, the traffic slowed down to 1 percent. Proof.

FOCUS Online/Wochit jam fight instead of driving bans! How bad planning puts the traffic to a halt

And that is not enough: The drivers of diesel in Bavaria currently have to struggle with very different problems. Driving bans threaten in Munich – and there is a huge uncertainty in the population. About 2.5 million diesel-powered vehicles there are in the free state, carrying approximately 4 million people. Thus, every third Bayer would be affected by restrictions for diesel vehicles.

Who is going to require really on the bike?

Now this: a minimum of a three-Meter-wide bike-motorway cross Munich. The route from Karlsplatz via the Ludwig and Leopold street to Garching would destroy 900 Parking spaces. And in the middle of the city centre, where there is already a huge Park search traffic. Motorists struggle alone in Schwabing every day, 80,000 km, that is twice around the world, to really find a place to Park. It is hoped that commuters require so on the bike, but that’s not going to happen, in my view. Commuters travel an average 40 km a day. You don’t do it with the bike.

FOCUS Online heavy fuel oil in, Diesel out, So Hamburg’s diesel ban

Currently, it is apparently made exclusively transport policy for the summer months. I don’t want to attack in this way, the Bicycle. On the contrary, Cycling is good and healthy. However, The modes of transport, the Bicycle has just 3 percent of the total transport share in all passenger-kilometres. This is for the flow of traffic on 365 days in a year is completely irrelevant. The transport carrier should not be pitted against each other, but work together. It takes an intelligent transport concept in Munich and no season policy. If by wheel-highways and Parking-wasting traffic jams or Parking search traffic will only be reinforced, it will not work.

The other opinion: The more bicycles, the better

Our expert, involved for the motorist. Our editor Julia Kerner has a different opinion: We should more often let the car stand – your column, you can find here .

cyclists motorway Munich


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