There are reports that on the sidelines of the Frankfurt book fair in a violent Robbery on a right-wing publisher, had taken place. Subjunctive: “had”. The subjunctive is important here. Because the alleged victim that any Robbery is a man who was around the book fair, an occasion to be with the use of the Indicative in his statements cautious.

It goes to Götz Kubitschek, with the publishing house Antaios and the magazine “secession” in the right-up right-wing circles and as a dialogue partner of AfD politicians like the Thuringian land-in-chief Björn Höcke some influence. Kubitschek writes on with date 15. October, that he had been attacked, his wife Ellen Kositza as well as some companion on the last Saturday night in a Frankfurt Pizzeria and hurt.

First, the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” dedicated to the process. They are Statements of Kubitschek, according to him, the attacker “from the back of the head entered” have, “the perpetrators of his wife on the back jumped” and “a to help hurry employee with a bottle in the face of hurt”. In the next sentence, it says in the Text: “The police confirmed the NZZ, and the details and has included a display due to severe body injury.”

WORLD-call at the press office of the Frankfurt police. Question: What exactly has confirmed this to the police? Answer: the fact That a criminal was put to display. No confirmation by the police could, however, give it to, whether that Assault took place and how this was possibly expired. Because in this Pizzeria at the time in question was not a civil servant. It will be determined.

here on the difference between assertions and facts have been made for a reason: Kubitschek has, of all things, to call in the Text, in which he claimed the attack, a claim. Namely, that he had sold his publishing house Antaios. To this end, Kubitschek on may 10. October is a “press release” was published. It says: “With a validity of 9. 10. In 2018, the publisher Götz Kubitschek has sold his publishing house Antaios to the publisher of the Loci-Verlag, Dr. Thomas Veigel.“ However, at 15. October – just in the Text about the alleged Robbery – Kubitschek about Antaios is the opposite of its previous sale statement: “of Course Kositza and I continue to be the owner of our publishing house.”

After the revocation, to apply to Kubitscheks notice of an Actuator as a policy Advisor, he scoffed about the media – first it was the “FAZ” – which had played its previous sales message. Kubitschek: “the society of The spectacle can no longer think, put the two together, if it is not about to miss a spectacle, or to be the crier of the spectacle.”

What is not mentioned Kubitschek: He has in the WORLD-Interview from 10.October is not denied that after his “press release” the alleged Antaios-sale. Rather, he said, to him the offer of the Loci-publishing is “just right”. Antaios stay “as an Imprint under the Loci roof is a own brand”. It added that “someone Antaios throw at that young”. Ergo: the unspectacular demand for his sales statement Kubitschek responded with a confirmation of the statement – but five days later, he declared to those of his that he confirmed the sale statement familiar to members of an alleged “society of the spectacle”.

the question of whether Kubitschek has actually sold. Because he expresses Contradictory, is the alleged buyer or non-buyer, Thomas Veigel, baden-württemberg, the dentist. But he has not responded to the appropriate WORLD-question. On the website of his Loci-publishing, however, is on 16. October – to be read in accordance with Kubitscheks withdrawal – furthermore, a description of how the dentist had become the publisher.

With the date 26. September, 2018: “The contract of sale with Antaios is as good as home and dry.” On 4. October: “one more week until the book fair! Then, with a ‘lot of baggage’, namely with Antaios! I would have bought a publishing house.“ In fact, Veigel had with the Loci-publishing a book fair. Although he presented no books, but only to book announcements. Never but he denied on the show to have Antaios bought.

< p > question

remain open to The Loci-Verlag, there are actually. With him Veigel is “since 1. July 2018 taster a member of the Börsenverein of the German book trade“, as the spokesperson of the WORLD announced. When you “Sniff” it “to a one-year limited offer, the offers of the stock exchange to get acquainted club”. But it is a business activity as a publisher, it had to be proved””. Veigel had submitted “a copy of the business registration”.

remains Open in all of the, who has operated in the case of Antaios publishing with questionable information. To be clear, only the Serious-Younger-quote cite, the Kubitschek as a “Motto” for his description of the alleged Assault, recommends: “This is all there is.”


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