Linda Hamilton is one of the examples most resounding contempt for Hollywood actresses when they exceed 30 years. Today, at 63, shown in Terminator: destiny dark, that can run as much or more than his companion of saga, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and that is the best performer that many other colleagues in the profession. The new Terminator not only bet by an active role of women and the sisterhood, but the character of Hamilton notes that the old warriors never die.
Linda Hamilton: “I Never felt part of Hollywood” Arnold Schwarzenegger: “What do you do for the environment?”
Hamilton disappeared from the map of Hollywood for a variety of reasons. For a long time his character was marked by its bipolarity, which did not manage to control until treatment began. She confirmed that her first marriage to Bruce Abbott, the actor of Re-Animator, what destroyed his disorder. But that said, the actress says that when her two children were home -one of Abbott, another of James Cameron-, discovered that there was no calls from your agent. He moved to a farm in Virginia, to be near her mother and stepfather, and who died, you went to New Orleans, where he currently resides. “I have never needed the atmosphere of Hollywood”, has said in several interviews.
And harder to accept the proposal to resurrect Sarah Connor. After the first two Terminator, both Hamilton and Cameron -who divorced when the actress discovered the affair between the director and the actress of Titanic Suzy Amis – disassociated themselves from the saga. The return of Cameron has returned quality of the image and in the plot. A few days ago in a press conference to Spanish media, Arnold Schawarzenegger commented: “For me it is always a pleasure to be with Linda. James told me the idea of going back to the end of the second film and that, therefore, Linda would return. For me it was a rush”. To his side, Hamilton -the two actors responded to questions from London – had: “I Refused to follow in the saga, years ago, because they were not what brings this story: returning to the essence, to the characters. You can blow up many buildings, but if you don’t care who is in da same. You have to create the characters, to love them, and that the public cares what happens to them”.
so he accepted to get in the shoes of Sarah Connor once more. It is the role that has marked his career, despite the fact that in his beginnings he studied at the Institute Strasberg in New York, where he moved from his Maryland hometown: plunged in the Method. After a few roles on television, in 1984, came his great opportunity, The boys of the corn, prelude to the first Terminator, also of that year. Cameron was so impressed with Hamilton, which changed the age of the character and took him from the 19 years of the script to the 27 that had the actress in the shoot.
After the blockbuster came in the series The beauty and the beast, black Moon, King Kong 2… films of adventures and action that they drank of the spirit fierce of Connor, a character who has returned to interpret in 1991 in Terminator 2. the final judgment. Of those two Terminators had a hearing loss and an ankle ailing. “I like the message of this new film is that sixty is the new thirty… But that is not true. I have struggled to appear in each plane, by making myself the action sequences. And what I have achieved up to a certain point. My body, despite the hard training, because it is not the that was. On this occasion, for example, has been extremely difficult all the footage filmed under the water, because we provoked colds, and otitis after that we tortured -I, for example, there was no balance and suffered from vomiting – when we set of harnesses,” he recalls. “I really struggled because the script remember that the time has passed in Sarah, one of the main lines of the plot, and that is to show his anger.”
As not everything is trainable, the director Tim Miller (father of Deadpool in the film) turned to a double body in the sequences with the young Sarah Connor. Later he added, touched up digitally the face of the actress. “I have not yet seen that sequence, even though Tim offered to turned. It is painful to see another doing it young”. To cambo, he remembers his best moment: “I love to use the weapons. Tim told me to stop smiling when he caught some and shot little. What I wanted to do again and again, and Tim I begged them not to stream”.
Hamilton left to call her: A town called Dante’s Peak (1997), and the characters are very episodic in tv series and minor films of the second. Little more. And you don’t mind: “Only will I return to a film set when I got something new to tell. While, I live very happily in New Orleans”. On Schwarzenegger, highlighting their camaraderie: “I was very impressed by the affection that I have for him. We had not seen since his inauguration as governor of California in 2003, and it was as if it was always there.” Between laughs, the aforementioned interrupted him in the press conference: “With how well you spend it with me.” “Only I’ll come back for him to Terminator”. What Schwarzenegger apostilló: “Linda is wonderful. Works the most, so take everything with seriousness, and this translates clearly on screen.”