In the FAS reported that the test started in connection with numerous consumer complaints. Although excessive demand for buckwheat was already asleep, the prices do not tend to the old values. Let the price increase slowed down the pace.
last week, according to “Prozerno”, the average price of a ton of buckwheat increased by 3 thousand 235 rubles — up to 53 375 thousand rubles. And last week a ton added to the price of 9 575 thousand rubles — almost 24%. According to a member of the chamber of Commerce (CCI) of Anne Vovk, with high probability, the price growth will continue, but it will be nothing more than last week. “Further appreciation will be smooth and gradual: universal self-isolation will support stable demand for the goods of long storage, but the excitement is already behind”, — the expert believes.
according to Vice-Premier of Victoria Abramchenko, the stocks of buckwheat in Russia amount to 350 thousand tons, which should ensure no deficit. At the same time, the shortage possible in individual outlets. Retail chains can take advantage of the situation and ability to enter into exclusive contracts with suppliers and producers, and leave small shops without goods, says Anna Vovk. “Manufacturers will use any opportunity to increase your profits guaranteed to survive in these turbulent times. They also have enough problems after the collapse of the ruble”, — concluded the expert.
meanwhile, according to the head of Department of analytical researches “Higher school of financial management” Michael Kogan, an investigation of the FAS can cool the ardor of unfair manufacturers and sellers. “They can review selling prices, fear of penalties,” he said.
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