meat substitutes products are liked by the consumer in Germany in the favor. As the Statista graph based on Figures from the agricultural market information mbH (AMI) shows a decline in the purchasing volume of private households in Germany in 2017 and 2018, last. In the previous years the amount had grown steadily. According to AMI, many consumers of meat substitutes could have tried it in the boom years of products, many buyers do not be come back again.

The year 2019 could possibly be able to return to the boom years: recently, the discounters Lidl and Aldi ensured a large demand for their Burger Patties out of vegetable protein. Meat substitute products are divided into meat analog products (e.g., chips, sausage on bread) and not meat analog products (e.g., Tofu). The conventional meat products now account for the majority of the products sold. In the beginning of time, the organic products were way ahead.

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