The mexican Army was attributed to a confrontation between the cartels of the Line and the Salazar murder of nine members of the family LeBarón in the boundaries between the States of Chihuahua and Sonora. According to the general Homero Mendoza, who was on Tuesday at the site of the massacre, that is the main line of research. In addition, he noted that there are several data to support his hypothesis. The main one is that the day before the assassination there was a clash between the two cartels in the city of Agua Prieta, which left one dead and one wounded by a bullet.

According to Mendoza, it made a cell of the cartel of the Line to mobilize in the area of the sierra to stop any entry of the Salazar and confused the three vans that traveled the family LeBarón. The three vehicles that moved the 17 family members were of Suburban “similar to those customarily used by organized crime in the area”, which would have been paid had the confusion, pointed out the military. The general has also ensured that the family LeBarón walked routinely the 158 kilometres linking Agua Prieta, and Bavispe, “that’s why they moved to only women and children without special security measures.”


The murder of a family opens up a new front between the united States and Mexico Trump offers military aid to fight the “war” against drug trafficking

The official version, however, leaves one in no doubt about how it was possible to confuse a pickup truck occupied by three women and 14 children with one run by hit men, usually armed and with bulletproof vests. One of the women even came down from the vehicle to prevent the massacre, but was shot down. In the place of the murder, a mountain range between Chihuahua and Sonora, collected more than 200 cartridges of M16 and R15. The only person arrested that he had up to the time “does not have any relationship with the case”, confirmed the authorities during the conference held on Wednesday, after the traditional press conference that is offered each morning the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The Foreign secretary, Marcelo Ebrard, confirmed that the department heads and the Secretariat of Security of Alfonso Durazo to work together because “the family LeBarón account with dual nationality”.

The representatives of both portfolios, they insisted on one of the few data confirmed up to now: the shell casings found in the area were fired by the weapons of u.s. origin. As pointed out, are of the brand Remington, and were fired by R15 and M16 manufactured in north america. The data, although obvious —the Government itself admitted that 70% of the guns used in crimes in Mexico has american origin— is part of the reproaches of low intensity that the Administration of López Obrador’s exchanges with the us president, Donald Trump, to control its border and halt the trafficking of weapons in the direction of Mexico.

In September, he met a datum that reflects the porous border. The prosecutor for the northern zone of Chihuahua, explained that the 90% of the guns used in homicides in Ciudad Juarez, which recorded that month, eight murders a day, was purchased in sports shops of the Texas and New Mexico. In many occasions not even spent 90 days between the purchase of the rifles and pistols, and the crime committed on the other side of the border. “Control the traffic of weapons is a serious problem because the contraband is what has increased the fire power of criminal groups”, added Durazo.

The general Mendoza also acknowledged that it will reinforce the military presence in the region because until now it was scarce. “We had limited staff in the area because we didn’t have references [violent acts] in past months. The National Guard and the Army are focused on the areas of conflict, and this area we didn’t have it referenced as such,” he acknowledged. There are currently some 2,100 troops in Chihuahua, although many of them are in administrative tasks.

On the offer of military assistance from Donald Trump to end with the cartels, the mexican head of state only replied to that will allow the united States access to the research. “We are grateful to Trump their willingness to support us, but also we appreciate that you be respectful of our sovereignty. We respect the republican senator [Tom Coton, who reproached the policy of “hugs not bullets”] and the editorial of the Wall Street Journal [that criticizes harshly the security strategy and suggesting the possibility of an intervention of the US], but we do not share [these views]. We will demonstrate that our proposal works,” he added.

On the causes of this new massacre which adds up to a streak especially bloody, López Obrador insisted on one of their mantras: “The violence is a result of the political corruption of the neo-liberal period”. “Never, neither in the colonial era, it became a sack as big as the one that has been done in the last 36 years. There is No precedent. Inequality and violence is the source of this violence,” he said.


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