It’s been some time that the German tank Museum, Munster (DPM) is a one-sided focus on the military technology has been accused of, while the historic environment would remain hidden. Meanwhile, historical issues of social, political and economic to the concept of the house, run since 1983 by the city of Munster and the training centre for Munster in the German army. The work of the Museum is taken at the Federal level, shows the commitment of the defence Committee of the Bundestag, the DPM of eight million euros from the Federal budget for the preservation of the objects and modernization of the exhibition. A conversation with Museum Director Ralf Raths.

the WORLD: The defence Committee of the Bundestag, has forbidden the German tank Museum Munster just eight million euros for reconstruction and modernization. How came it?

Ralf Raths: For the past two years we have been with concrete plans for the conversion in search of funding. We also have to get some things together, but also ultimately the most economical tag was still too expensive for a Museum that is primarily worn by a poor, small town. On the Initiative of the SPD’s General Secretary, Lars Klingbeil, coming from Munster, and, with the support of his Hamburg-based colleague John Kahrs, is one known to museums and military to his interests, was hoisted up the project on the Federal level. And, apparently, successfully negotiated.

the WORLD: Self-proclaimed pacifists have been one of their exhibits, a Leopard I for the German army, pink spray to protest against the alleged militarism of the Museum – and now: more money …

Rath: The color the stop was justified by a very thin, even have told a User of the left platform Indymedia at the time. We have been attested by them, to be on a good path towards a modern, critical house as the attack was, however, counterproductive. After all, the color stop has been given at the time the Kickstart to make the tank Museum a phenomenon of the Social Media: Since then, our Numbers have grown rapidly, and in the case of Facebook and YouTube, we are an exception among the museums.

the WORLD: Now a lot of people, dealing personally or professionally with military history, complain about, like the fact that they would always put in the corner of the “war driver”. You have to be right?

Rath: There has not developed in the scene of military history fans and a strong culture of whining and playing the victim, which bothers me a little. It is true that the military was frowned upon in history for decades, and with militarism and Nazi affinity in connection was brought, no question. But it is true also that the subsides for 20 years solid. Military history is now Mainstream television, Radio, press, everywhere, there are more and more offerings, and everywhere the number of Users increases. Sure, there are still some stupid things, but you have to show just time Serenity and backbone.

the WORLD: What will you do with the extra money?

Rath: That is clearly defined: To a conservator must be measures paid, and by that I mean not a complicated air-conditioning or the like. But we need to protect the vehicles for the first time against moisture and temperature fluctuations and for this we need simply a new hall. On the other hand, the duration is renewed exhibition radically both the content and the design. The tank shop is unfortunately.

the WORLD: almost exactly 100 years ago, on the “black day of the German army” in August, 1918, with chosen mass-used tanks of the First world war, at least. Summarized In one sentence – what is the meaning of the principle tank for the 20. Century?

Rath: The tank is along with the Bomber and the U-boat is one of the most iconic forms of mechanised violence and will remain a Symbol of this century.

the WORLD: And what is the role of the tank in the 21st century. Century – in times of asymmetric warfare?

Rath: Not all conflicts in the world are asymmetric warfare, there are also classic conflicts. The time of tank battles and operational breakthroughs is over there though. But if you look at the tank usage in the Ukraine or in Syria, it becomes clear that the tank return instead to their original role: they are increasingly being used in low numbers and in a tactical context: As battering rams in small battles, as the anchor points for the infantry or artillery use over long distances in a direct-fire.

And also in the asymmetric war of tanks by the way, useful: terrain mastery of a single vehicle is sufficient as often. And what is the role of tanks in a new war between India and Pakistan or a conflict between Russia and China, it is unclear, but it could suddenly fail again very classic.

the WORLD Against terrorists are not tanks …

Rath’s help: Counter-terrorist no fire car will not help, though, we still create the – the fire truck has to fulfill other tasks. The Same applies for the tanks. In many scenarios it is not useful, but in others, and for which he must be precisely optimized and maintained. But that was in 1916, never different. The fight against terrorism must be led with the appropriate resources, and the will be in fact rather rare classic battle tank. Wheeled APC vehicles in Active-Shooter scenarios with multiple offenders, however, sure of their purpose – a new Chapter in the history of Tanks.

the WORLD: The Roman military writer Flavius Vegetius Renatus wrote in late antiquity: “he Who desires peace, prepares for war.” In Germany, this insight in the past 40 years, it has become quite unpopular. A Mistake?

Raths: I think that the insight has itself become unpopular. In dispute is the question, for what war should we prepare, and no matter what answer they gave, somebody always had something about it. But this discussion is part of an essential contribution to the war history and has been always and everywhere.

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