Since its inception, the star is a mixed society, takes a stance, an attitude, tries to help where it makes sense. About the Letter, and Observed, “make a difference”: That is what we want to today.

again and again, organised by the journalists for big actions – mostly with the support of dedicated readers. Because you have donated over the years more than one hundred million euros. Thus, almost 140 million Mark came in 1990, when the biggest star campaign in aid of starving people in Russia. In the aftermath of natural disasters in Nepal, as in Sri Lanka, we were able to help the people as well as the Affected the or flood in the year 1997.

Of talent development to emergency assistance to families

stern founder Henri initiated in 1965, Nannen, the action of the “Jugend forscht”, the biggest competition for the promotion of young talents in mathematics, Informatics, natural Sciences and technology. More than 270,000 girls and boys took part in the annual precipitations. In addition to the star, the Federal Ministry of education, the economy, businesses and schools involved, among other things.


in 1973, Africa is starving. A cover story attention to the famine in Ethiopia


Without the support of the star, the important work of the children would be directs not come to work “ark”. It places of refuge for children in Need and also jobs, as the project of the “encouragers”: Here, workers take care of social that talented children and young people completing primary school and, later, the doctrine, or a programme of study successfully.

Here you can donate:

Foundation’s star,

IBAN: DE20 2007 0000 0469 9500 00


another example of sustained commitment, the star campaign, “courage against right-wing violence”, 18 years ago, together with the Berlin-based Amadeu Antonio Foundation has launched. Here we are encouraged to date more than 200 democracy-initiatives, especially in the East and support people who care, for example, victims of right-wing violence. Nationally known neo-Nazi drop-out project “exit”. More than 650 people, in addition to found with his help, the way out of the radical right-wing scene.

was founded in 2003, the Foundation star that has yet to pay eight million euros. Alone, 1.9 million euros went to the Initiative “families in Need”, which helps needy families in Germany. With 1.4 million the project “schools help funded schools”, which has rebuilt after the devastating 2004 Tsunami in Sri Lanka and Indonesia destroyed new schools.

All of this would not have been possible without the generosity and willingness to donate the star-readers. Our heart deserves our thanks.

Uli Hauser


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