A day after the serious riots in Hong Kong, it came on Sunday to new incidents at the international airport in the port city. Thousands of demonstrators besieged for about three hours to the airport from the outside and disabled in the normal operation.

The train service to the airport was suspended in both directions. Travelers who arrived with buses, were dropped off outside the airport and had to walk with your Luggage to the rest of the way to the Terminal. Even the feeder roads were clogged.

A large contingent locked the entrances to the airport in the Chinese special administrative region. Only travelers with a flight and Passports to be let in were seem. As a reinforcement with the special forces arrived, withdrew the demonstrators in the afternoon local time, however.

Several Hundred activists, including many with respiratory protection masks and goggles against tear gas, were walking in the direction of three kilometers away and the nearest metro station Tung Chung. The protesters left the barricades from the baggage car.

three weeks ago, activists had besieged the airport so that the flight operations had to be stopped in two days temporarily. The airport authorities had obtained an injunction against demonstrations on the site.

On Saturday it had come after an initially peaceful Demonstration against the Hong Kong government and the Chinese leadership in Beijing to serious clashes between the police and radical activists, which lasted until late in the evening.

at Least 41 people were injured, including five men, as the “South China Morning Post” reported.

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