to know

How nice that the Germans are wary of food that contains too much salt, fat and calories. How nice to know that you would like to have less sugar in the finished products – we know this thanks to the current nutrition reports of the German Federal Ministry for food and agriculture (BMEL). What use is it informed? Very little. Worse still, The survey brings the impression that the Germans would make enough thought into their food, would be the importance of healthy nutrition and changing your eating habits to Overweight and prevent diseases. All of this is not true.

Annually, the MINISTRY of food and agriculture publishes a report for the German over the phone were asked how they eat. And with great regularity, the press release reads very positive. An example: In the current report, in 2019, it is emphasized that fruits and vegetables are gladly eaten. 62 percent of men, it is said, of eating daily fruits or vegetables. But is that really so great? You could also write to: 38 percent of German men say that they eat more often, not a piece of fruit or vegetables per day. Not a single one: no carrot, no tomato, no Apple, not even a small bunch of grapes. This number is shocking, and indeed, the data from the European health surveys show are German men so that Europe-wide in the last place (Journal of Health Monitoring: Long & Finger, 2017). The German food would be comparatively too much meat and consume on a daily basis a lot of calories than beneficial to health. Also Germans are drinking significantly more than the European average, as recently again, a report by the world health organization showed.

The poor diet of the Germans is one of the main reasons why this country two-thirds of men and half of German women weigh too much. Worth considering is also that the proportion of overweight boys and girls has, in the past decades, multiplied (Lancet: NCD Risk Factor Collaboration, 2017; Appendix). In the meantime, he has been nearly constant in the 5 – to 17-Year-olds, more than a quarter (Journal of Health Monitoring: rail kewitz et al., 2018). The consequences are manifold: a larger risk for heart attacks, strokes, Diabetes, certain cancer locations and joint discomfort. All of this is not only a burden on the people but also the health system (European Journal of Health Economics: Lehnert et al., 2015).

to request © 29 percent of Germans do not eat fruit and vegetables daily, Better school Lunches is laudable, but insufficient

the Minister of food, Julia Klöckner is well aware of. It was not, therefore, solely to the report in order, but is also working on measures to improve. The National reduction and innovation strategy, for example, to reduce the content of salt, sugar and fat in ready-made products in the future. Research institutions receive funds, to develop substitutes for salt and sugar, the day – care centre and school Lunches should be better and information campaigns to help people have a healthier diet. This is commendable.

© 58 percent of Germans view always, or usually, how much sugar the product contains

crucial point, but something happened: in the regulation of the food industry. The BMEL continues to rely on voluntary self-obligations of the manufacturer, even though this measure is ineffective. A great overview of the work in the journal The Lancet (Moodie et al., 2013), appeared, bring it to the point: “Despite the frequent reliance on Self-regulations of the industry […] there is no evidence of their effectiveness or safety. Public regulation and market intervention are the only evidence-based mechanisms to prevent damage caused by unhealthy consumption goods.”

A government of the Chancellor about the food Ministry to the Ministry of the economy, to ensure the health of its citizens, it must regulate the food industry. You need to introduce taxes or certain ingredients, such as particularly dangerous TRANS-fatty acids ban. You must carefully determine which kind of advertising for unhealthy products should be allowed; specifically on children’s advertising for überzuckerte lemonade put would be banned for sure. And a government that wants to protect the health of its citizens, should carefully consider when and why you speak with representatives of an industry whose most successful products are harmful to health.

© 32 percent of the men, make sure that your food has very little calories. For women, there are 41 per cent.

However, the Connections between the food Ministry and the food industry are traditionally strong. The medical journal reported, citing a Small request of the Greens, that the MINISTRY of food and agriculture met at the new finished product Directive with various industry representatives and significantly more often than with doctors ‘ associations and consumer organisations. A tax on sugary drinks, such as recently introduced in the UK, was rejected, despite the vote of the children’s doctors. A traffic light system was not capable of winning a majority.

The economic system formed, how healthy people are Knowledge © Michael stern, Jakob Simmank

editor in the resort, TIME ONLINE

to the author of the page

ignore the politicians, that our environment significantly influences how we eat. And that an economic system based on elementary shapes, such as healthy people (the Lancet: kick Bush et al., 2016). If you want people to be healthy, you must therefore intervene.

How did the fight against the tobacco industry, Big Tobacco,. Bans on advertising, to speak of the refusal of lobbyists and high taxes, the number of smokers have reduced the smokers in Germany and in many Western countries dramatically, even if there are always setbacks. Now, Big Soda and Big Food – both industries, which make billions in sales – should be on it. Sometimes only the market help interventions to improve the health of the citizens.


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