And it so happens that it hears and protects. For a period of quarantine citizens will be exempted from paying utility bills and rent. “So no one is left without money,” said the President in address to the nation. No, that’s not us. It is in France.
we Have such a proposal also was made to temporarily cancel the fee for “communal”, because a lot of people under quarantine has reduced salaries or even left without a job — they need something to live and something to eat, and electricity and water have to spend more than usual. This request was forwarded to the Minister of construction and housing and communal services Vladimir Yakushev, the Deputy of the state Duma from LDPR Vasily Vlasov. And you know what? He was ridiculed and called a populist. Colleagues in the Parliament said that “the income at all different.” And in the Public chamber, called the proposal “nonsense.” Here are servants of the people taking care of us.
Hard to argue with the fact that the proposal of the youngest state Duma Deputy (he was only 24 years old) not without populism and the desire to “hypnoti”.
Odious parliamentarians who have to learn. A young colleague Zhirinovsky famously proposed to allow mortgage from the age of 14 and encouraged to create in the Moscow Central house of new. But such people, sometimes voicing crazy ideas, need society. Their role is to stir things up. And sometimes with a hidden depth out rise very very unflattering things, the rotting sludge of greed and indifference of officials.
Actually, why not really take and not to release at least a month or two people from the payment of “communal”? It is clear that on the background of the dive of the ruble incomes of Russians fell — statistics will report about this and can hardly hide the facts. Bills for water and electricity will soar even without a change in tariffs: because people are forced to sit at home all day. Counters that will record dispassionately. Why, in the end, the French have no money left, the Americans will give $1000 for daily expenses, and the Russians quit sucking his paw?..
Answers officials are striking in their cynicism. For example, Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on housing policy and housing Pavel Kachkaev said that across-the cancellation fee for “communal” is inappropriate, because “the Russians are different.” And the head of the Committee on housing, construction and roads, the Public chamber of the Russian Federation Igor Shpektor and even called the proposal Vlasov “ridiculous”, “stupid” and “nonsense”. And gave concrete arguments. “The man should pay, no matter whether sitting at home, caring for a child is in quarantine. What does an epidemic have to do with the payment of utility bills?” he said in the broadcast news stations.
“the Man must pay…” How much bitter truth in this phrase, randomly plucked from the language of the public. Here’s what you need to make an amendment to the Constitution! The article is this: “Every Russian citizen must pay.” And then — on the list: taxes, “communal”, for the reception of a child in kindergarten, school, Institute for textbooks for the new curtains in the classroom, for petrol, for Parking in his own district, for treatment, for much more.
of Course, payment for utilities is a standard payment, not outrageous fees. In Europe, the “communal” more than we do, it is a fact! However, despite the alleged availability of public resources, citizens owe housing services 570 billion rubles, and legal entities — RUB 1 trillion. This time, when no quarantine and there was no trace. The matter is more often than not in indiscipline. People and businesses even in times of peace there was nothing to pay and now they “must”…
On the idea of justice and community of interests based is that ancient utopia, not related to modernity. In reality, the state is a business where nishozhdenie debit with credit bigger problem of the suffering of mere mortals.
P. S. When this column was written, an appeal to the people by Vladimir Putin. On the abolition of fees for utilities Emmanuel macron told the French in the same speech a week earlier. The President of Russia could do with following the example of colleagues. Then this article would lose relevance, but God be with her — but people would be freed from onerous payment at least for a time.
But take care about the health and incomes of the population the head of state decided by other methods. Previously announced and now updated — the postponement of taxes, insurance premiums (the affected business), and loans (business and citizens). From the new — some companies will reduce the premiums with the future in sight, families with children will pay 5 thousand rubles, the next week it will be broken, and with dividends from securities and deposits above 1 million rubles will be levied income tax.
Last “support measure” is particularly interesting. In fact, we will cut income and small savings.