US musician Pete Wentz (40) wants to record a solo album, but only if the corona quarantine continues for another six months.

“It should feel right to make [the record],” explains the Out Boy star case. “I have a concept for it, I have a lot of time and I want to do it too. Will we be home for another six months? If so, there will be an album. ”

The bass player also plans to record another track with the electronic duo Cheap Cuts, with which he recently released the song ‘Check Your Phone’. “Thematically, it will revolve around the first five minutes in the morning when you wake up and in this half-awake state,” Pete reveals.

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Film ‘Reality Bites’ as inspiration

The musician also reveals more about his visions for the solo LP. “In the film ‘Reality Bites – Full of Life’ there is this scene in which Ethan Hawke’s character meets with his father after finding out that he has cancer.

They talk about life and he gives Ethan’s character a pink conch shell to explain things better, ”he tells NME. “Then he realizes that the shell is empty and that life may be meaningless […] That’s why he enjoys the little things in life, like eating a burger or smoking a cigarette.”

Pete sees great potential in this philosophical message. “It is important not to forget these small, detailed moments in life. For me there is a plate in this pink shell, ”he is convinced. (Bang)


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