Almost all of the countries in the world have agreed on a more transparent dealing with the sale and purchase of hard – to-recycelndem plastic waste. “There will be a transparent and traceable System for Export and Import of plastic waste,” said Rolph Payet of the environment programme of the United Nations (UN). The framework agreement was “historic” because it was legally binding.

As the British newspaper The Guardian writes, to catch up with countries such as the USA, the contaminated, mixed or non-recyclable plastic waste is rich in export to third countries, therefore in the future, the consent of the local governments. Up to now, the Export on the Basis of private enterprise without government controls.

“Now for an export stop for contaminated and questionable plastic waste from the EU trusted to Asia and Africa is possible,” said Federal environment Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD). Country authorities and the German customs could prevent that in the future such waste ended up in unsecured landfills and end up in the sea. Europe and Germany are in the responsibility to sort their plastic waste itself and to recycle as possible.

plastic in the sea – Only we are poisoning the ocean, then us, millions of tons of plastic land every year in the sea and harm animals and nature. As micro-particles, we breathe in him, too. An explainer video © photo:

The agreement of the Basel complements the Convention “on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal”, of the 186 States are members. The USA have refused to ratify the Convention so far. According to the Non-government organisation Ciel (Center for International Environmental Law) will interfere with the framework agreement, their export possibilities, therefore, only in certain developing countries.

The decision of the Changes the United States had, accordingly, no right to vote. According to the Guardian, the US had expressed-American participants of the conference.

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China had hidden the Import of a total of 24 different recycling materials to 1. January 2018 is prohibited. Within a year, villages in Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia had become to tipping as “waste” quoted by the Guardian, Claire Arkin, a spokeswoman for the environmental initiative GAIA (Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives). “We have found that, in villages, in all of these countries, formerly mainly agricultural municipalities, waste from the United States bunk,” says Arkin.

A report by the world Bank according to which developed countries produce more than a third of the world’s waste mass. Only 16 percent of the world’s population lives in these States. The recycling rate in the so-called high-wage countries amounts to 30 per cent, in developing countries is four percent. The plastic waste is therefore a particularly serious Problem. If plastic will not be collected correctly and managed, as will bodies of water and Ecosystems for centuries, if not millennia, affect.

Payet, the plastic pollution compared to an “epidemic, with an estimated 100 million tons of plastic are now found in the oceans.” 80 to 90 percent of which came from the mainland.

With Material from AP and Reuters


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