Weapons 11/03/20 PM vs Parrabellum: the cartridge better cartridge 9×18, 9×19
Unitary pistol cartridge 9×19 mm Parabellum designed in 1902 by the German designer Georg Luger, is still used as the standard cartridge of NATO. However, the Russian versions of this cartridge and the guns in it, which appeared in the 1990-2000-ies, has not received wide distribution. In the national army and security forces more than half a century “holds the position of” patron 9×18 mm PM. And not only in the tradition of the cartridge to the Makarov pistol has a number of advantages, however, are not always obvious.
a comparison of the power
9×18 mm Cartridge was the brainchild of the designer, Boris Semin, head of Department for development of small arms ammunition of the Central research Institute of precision engineering (Klimovsk). It was intended for was created after the great Patriotic war pistols of Makarova and Stechkina. Mass production of munitions began in 1951.
One of the tasks standing before the Soviet gunsmiths was that the cartridge was incompatible with the “Loganovsky”. In the hands of the population at the beginning of 1950-ies had many captured German weapons, including pistols. “Trunks” could exist for a long time, but to get the bullets it was impossible – and the government is not going to alleviate a potential adversary this task.
At the same time, the designers, of course, kept the German sample in sight. Comparison with Semin cartridge “Parabellum” was held already in the first tests. It turned out that the 9×19 mm cartridge is much more powerful than the Soviet news – he’s a better shot of the target. Setting muzzle energy of the cartridge Luger was 480 j, at that time, as the cartridge 9×18 mm PM – only 300 joules. This was due to a lower charge of gunpowder – the Soviet designers felt that the exit of the bullet enough 0,25 g of bulk explosives, cartridge although in a competitor it was almost 2 times more. Of course, this decision had an economic component.
the Advantages of the cartridge PM
Why is the cartridge for the Makarov pistol was accepted into service, and why he for years has become a major domestic pistol cartridge?
First of all, the power of the shot PM do not underestimate. It was enough, for example, for breaking through bone. A bullet in the head or chest unprotected person from a distance of 350 meters would be fatal. And from a distance of 15 meters cartridge 9×18 mm had a good chance to penetrate a steel helmet – a formidable force in melee. In addition, the new warhead was designed not only for army but for the militia. Militiamen increased “knockdown” was useless. Bullets of Makarov pistol were rarely given through wounds, having a tendency to remain in the body of violators. So, in the case of street shooting, there was less risk of injury of bystanders. The advantages of cartridge treated and a small volume of shot that makes effective use of a silencer.
Convenient “Makarov”
in Addition to the qualities of the cartridge had a value of his exact “fit” under a pistol. The war veterans fond of the German “Walther PP”. Makarov was very close in appearance and shape to that gun. The military staged the optimum size and weight of PM, what designers would be difficult to achieve without the shortened cartridge. The small size of the pistol was also provided by a small power of emission gases. For comparison, the cartridge “Parabellum” is a very high speed of bolt recoil to compensate for which it is necessary to introduce additional mechanisms, heavier weapons. PM is the most simple and reliable guns – he knows just 14 parts.
for a Long time the power of the Makarov was enough, and only with the widespread use of body armor have a question about upgrading the cartridge. By changing the configuration of the bullet and gun powder in the late 1980-ies, the designers have created highcompulsory pistol cartridge 9×18 mm PMM. In terms of muzzle energy, increased 1.7 times, the ammunition was close to the cartridge “Parabellum”. Few years, high-velocity round with a cartridge used exclusively the soldiers of the Soviet and Russian intelligence services.
Timur Sagdiyev
© Russian Seven
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