Contents page 1 — the right to asylum, the sick page 2 — State pressure is damaging to the Psyche page 3 — Without external security there can be no inner On one side to read

On your knees and pleaded, said’s mother the life of her son. The Boy should be stoned to death, his father was already dead, they self-injured. Said was allowed to go, and fled at the request of his mother alone, from his home in Afghanistan into the Unknown. His path led him through Iran and Turkey. He ran hundreds of miles, survived the mountains, in which many others died. It crashed, froze to death or were beaten by traffickers to death. He ran until he reached the German border. Germany was on the way to become his goal, because in Germany, so he had heard, he would be in safety.

Said, the is in truth different, is one of more than 1.3 million people who fled between 2015 and 2017, before the war, Hunger or political persecution in Germany. The escape has drawn physically and emotionally. Depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder – between 20 to 70 percent of those that do make it to Germany, are mentally ill (see, for example, BPtK, 2015/Molecular Psychiatry: Ullmann et al., 2015/Knipper & Bilgin, 2009/Soc Sci Med: Lindert et al., 2009). In a recent survey of the Scientific Institute of the AOK (WIdO), three out of four refugees, to have different forms of violence experienced (WIdO-monitor: Schröder et al., 2018).

The high rate is known. For years, studies to provide the data. The health of migrants, according to experts, one of the biggest health challenges of our time. But instead of you to accept, is not prepared for the German health care system, people Said enough. There is a lack of almost everything: Psychotherapists, and interpreters, money, and organization. Add to this the laws, to unsettle, to provide instead for safety.

Said was 16 years old when he fled, at 17, he arrived in Germany. The youth took care of the unaccompanied minor refugee and offered him a place in a group home with other young people. A bit of family. Home in Afghanistan he was the favorite son, in the group of intelligent, ambitious, friendly Boy. He felt well, had it not been for the nightmares in the night. The panic attacks could at any time overpower. Often Said was physically present but his spirit is trapped in the Horror of the violence suffered in the home country.

Not everyone needs therapy

Unaccompanied minors, refugees Said, according to the EU reception Directive, especially in need of protection, their mental health should be ensured. A comprehensive study about how it is in Germany, does not yet exist. A recent report by the Federal government is expected, however, that a majority is traumatized by you and for you negative consequences in everyday life. The health care is for mental illness are particularly bad, according to the Federal Association for unaccompanied refugee minors (BumF).

Well all do not need Refugees suffering from mental health complaints, a specialized treatment. Not always, it is in need of a psychotherapist or a psychiatrist, to process experienced trauma, and to prevent serious sequelae. A part of the people recover without professional assistance. Other, it is sufficient if the consultants enlighten the inner you about the consequences of their traumatic experiences, and offers of assistance draw attention. But thousands of people have such severe psychological injuries, that you need out-patient treatment or in-patient therapy. The least you get.

he Can move his arms and legs? He has an open wound? Signs of tuberculosis? At the time of his initial examination it was only said’s physical complaints. In the housing group was realized how bad it was ordered to be mental. A supervisor notified him by Refugio in Munich. In the center he was treated, though he had no health card and although it is not clear whether his request for asylum would be approved.


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