Photos: Moscow 24/Alexander Avilov
Vice-presidents of the Russian Academy of radio (RAR) Julia Golubeva, Yuri Kostin and Alexander Polesitsky appealed to the Ministry of communications a statement about the upcoming bankruptcy of the industry. It is reported IA “NSN”.
“the Crisis threatened to bring down the media industry: entire industries out advertising, revenue from which is the main source of income for all media, and for some, almost the only,” – said the expert.
As follows from the text of the appeal, the market decline will be from 30 to 50 percent, while advertising revenue at radio stations is the highest part in the structure of revenues.
In a letter from the Russian Academy radio offers a list of 15 measures that could support the industry and save jobs. In particular, we are talking about the abolition of tax audits, income tax and VAT, the deferment of mandatory payments to the end of the year and other steps.
“On the situation in the industry is difficult to say now so uncertain situation. Uncertain in the sense that no one yet knows how many will continue this fall radio market”, – said Yuri Kostin in an interview with the news Agency “national news service”.
According to the expert, in this situation, the radio can only rely on help from the state. If you request a reduction in tariffs in the Russian television and radio broadcasting network, it will only postpone the crisis.
Earlier on Friday, 3 April, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the right to vacation credit for individuals and organizations affected by the pandemic coronavirus COVID-19.
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