Of which you could only dream a few years ago, only Since today, Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd offer a Samsung Smartphone for cheap 139 Euro. However, in April, introduced Galaxy A10 is at this price is really a bargain? We explain whether, and for whom it is worth buying.

a Premium you may not expect at this price, of course. The Galaxy A10 is technically device is clearly an entry-level. The only two GB of RAM and the rear camera show about. There is today even the middle class better. For everyday tasks and snapshots, it is suitable technically loose, who value quick games or high-quality photo sets, but should spend more.

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When you Design the A10 comes close to the more expensive models. The screen is 6.2 inch, almost as large as the iPhone’s XS Max resolution 1520 x 720 pixels, however, are significantly less sharp. If you look closely, is likely to already recognize individual pixels. As is the case with the more expensive models, the screen covers almost the entire Front. Unlike the more expensive models Samsung installed but not glass and metal, but plastic.

in addition to the Material, there are other points where you have to make concessions: A fingerprint sensor is missing. Instead, Samsung continues to face detection. Because the but without a 3D Scan, it is clearly more uncertain than that of the iPhone. And: Instead of the new 5 GHz Standards, the A10 supports Wi-Fi, only the old 2.4 GHz frequency.

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dust suction robot: AEG RX9-1-IBM X

offers The best compromise of price and performance in current suction robots AEG RX9-1-IBM X. In the Test, and he landed with a good level of suction power and Navigation on the second place, like all other models in the Test, but he had problems with the Cleaning of corners and the handling. Overall rating: “good” (2.5). The price starts at 575 euros.

The entire Test is available for a fee on test.de.

©manufacturer Is the Galaxy A10 a bargain?

Aldis price of 139 Euro is currently the best price for the Galaxy A10. A third retailer Amazon lists the device already around 130 euros, there are 16 euros for shipping for it to come but still at the top. Other traders desire currently starting at 150 euros for the A10.

another Plus for the Aldi offer: A Prepaid rate of Aldi talk is. The package normally worth about 13 euros and contains 10 euros of credit for the Tariff on the O2 network.

For whom is it worth buying?

you are Looking for a simple, well-made Smartphone, the A10 for the price of 139 Euro is actually a good offer, if not a super bargain. Especially the large Display in this price range still available. An Alternative, for example, the Honor 9 Lite is, it is equipped to a similar cheap price even better. Those who spend a little more, get the Huawei Mate 20 Lite, the Galaxy A40 or the Moto G8 also significantly more.

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