Hyundai has developed a completely new type of vehicle and at CES in 2019 in Las Vegas. The Elevate concept car is a “walking car” – a car that can go, too. Mainly, it is thought of as an emergency vehicle for emergency and rescue forces. Special: Normally Elevate is progressing on four wheels fast on four legs, the vehicle not only moves, if the Terrain allows Riding on wheels.

so It can drive on the highway, over boulders and rubble to crawl, and even over a precipice hopping.

art exhibition: Whispering Harleys and TVs that can be rolled up: these are the Highlights of the CES Fullscreen

buzz instead of hum

When the car is not to stop the electric Trend for years, now also a cult motorcycle manufacturer Harley get Davidson. Otherwise for loud engines, advertises the Livewire with the Solagan “The Loudest thing you will hear is turf of your heart.” The price of E-cars is just under $ 30,000, starting in February, can be pre-ordered.



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