The philosopher and educator José Antonio Marina (Toledo, spain, 1939) believes that it is spreading an “idea destructive”: what am I going to learn if you can’t find it on the Internet? He answers with a slide of the four equations of the electromagnetic field of Maxwel: What do you understand them? Believe that there is that to claim knowledge, and has written a book, a visual History of the intelligence (Connect), in which texts, mental maps, and hieroglyphic traces the history of humanity up to the artificial intelligence.
Question. The nordic countries invest heavily in early childhood education because the brain is then formed. Should we put more funds?
“we Need teachers who do not feel dwarfed by the technology” “The technology revolution need ethics or we enslave” “The distance between the world champion of chess, and the machines is greater than that between Usain Bolt and a Ferrari,”
Response. Is important because in early childhood, up to seven or eight years, the brain is extraordinarily plastic, and establishes the neural connections. But one of the most outstanding discoveries of neuroscience, already 15 years ago, is that there is a second golden age of learning, in which we redesign the brain with a new type of neuroplasticity, between 13 and 18 years. Changes the anatomy of the brain, the great habits are implemented better and can correct the errors of education.
Q. so that you can not neglect the adolescents.
R . The child must learn to organize in the world that has come, and the teenager learn because it is going to emancipate. We have always liable to the hormones of the alterations in adolescence, but is also changing the way of operating the brain. Must take advantage of this capability.
Q. they Are reproached with having attention deficit, in fact, the classes are shorter (50 minutes).
A. Up to 12% of students have attention problems. What we saw at the School for Parents. The use of mobile phones is hampering the voluntary attention. When you look at it and get back to the task you can lose up to 40% of the information that we were driving. It is a kind of do and undo. A syndrome that is compulsive, if not look at the screen every three or four minutes, begin to feel a kind of anguish. This is nonsense full. That grind may be 300 or 400 times a day. There are a lot of people that is not natively digital and start now by mobile phone to have difficulties to read a text of medium length. That’s an intellectual impoverishment to be absolute and dramatic.
Q. what Would you do as in Silicon Valley that prohibit the mobile to the caregivers?
“People who are not native digital have difficulty reading a long text”
A. In my book it is how the technology is making things so easy that it begins to be almost unbearable to make a small effort. We want an app to solve it all. In the end it creates a passivity that is dangerous. There is not only be good technically but critical.
Q. 85% of the jobs in 2030 have not been invented, according to the report by Dell Technologies. Are we prepared?
A. In 2040 or 2050 not only will there be changes in the work, but landing systems potentísimos of artificial intelligence, of microimplantes neurological drug of the memory or of genetic advances, although these slower. And there are computer companies —in particular Google— are prepared to take the talent with educational programs that are very strong, while in the world of education are not responding. This book discusses how the world of artificial intelligence manages very well the cognitive part but not the emotional part, which is the one that leads us to make decisions.
Q. Canary teaches the art of Emotional Education.
A. The subject falls short. We can’t tell students how to solve the problems will have, but it does provide them with resources to be quick to learn, tenacious, optimistic… they Have to know how to manage emotions, overcoming failure, enjoying the good things, knowing how to choose the goals, know how to focus the attention… The speed of learning is what has defined us as a species and therefore is the core of who we are.
Q. You are wondering why if we are so intelligent we do so many nonsense.
A. For example, in the United Kingdom argue that the Brexit is going to be bad for them and the European Union. Psychology explores the intelligence as if it were a faculty individual, but is given in a social environment that favors it or destroys it. With the rise of nationalism there is that to consider if you are making smart decisions or delivering emotions that we do not know well where to lead. And all of this is theory and practice of intelligence and education.
“The speed of learning is what we have defined as a species”
Q. Various reports state that the students do not practice the “mens sana in corpore sano”. Is it a problem?
R . Physical education is a required subject in Spain to get nail and with little time when the exercise is the great protector of the brain. That’s why older people should exercise more physically than intellectually. And, if the sport is regulated, children have organized a lot of the behavior and is an antidote against obesity, drug or alcohol. In addition, we should give more prominence to the Physical Education teachers, and Theatre, because they have a access —on all-in-secondary— students different. No one on the court disputed that the coach knows how the game is played and who the players are.
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