Argentina captures a Spanish fishing with 320 tonnes of fresh fish Argentina ametralla and sinks a chinese fishing in its waters

A news story is repeated every summer in the South Atlantic, although almost no one repairs it. Fish across the boundary of the 200 miles and go to the exclusive area of fishing Argentina fought a duel with the officers of the Naval Prefecture. Loaded in their cellars squid, the star of each season, but also hake and black hake, and disposed of tons of marine ecosystem, from algae to dolphins and whales. These ships of illegal activity in addition to hundreds of others with a work permit. There are so many, that the crews of the airlines that bind to Ushuaia [south country] with Buenos Aires describe the night scene that is visible from the air as “cities marine”.

Many of the boats operating in the sea of the south are a gateway to something a weakling: the port of Montevideo, which sometimes turn a blind eye when the vessels have to declare their catches. That is why the environmental organization Greenpeace broke the Thursday of the last week in uruguayan waters to point to seven boats in south Korean with an arrow of 25 meters above the water with the message “Looters of the Oceans.” Next to this allegation, the organization has presented the report to Protect the Argentine Sea from destructive fishing, which reveals the impacts of the fishery industry in the region, and the way in which it affects species iconic as the southern right whale.

“The south Atlantic is completely unprotected and deregulated, and that enables fishing of world powers and industrial equipment to come to fish indiscriminately and intensively throughout the year,” poses Luisina Vueso, campaign coordinator of oceans Greenpeace Andino, who sailed THE COUNTRY to register the complaint. According to Vueso, the ships, like the diggers in the forest, lay waste to all that is in the seabed with the technique of trawling, which involves raking the sea floor with a grab bag of network with the intention to catch fish, crustaceans and molluscs. Many times, the boats are away from the area to download in reefer vessels called reefer and return to their place, where they remain for several months.

millions of dollars in Losses

According to official figures, about 400 fishing vessels come in a legal manner in the argentine sea and leave annually about 2,000 million dollars in exports of fish of all kinds, but Argentina also lost an additional 2,500 millions of dollars in merchandise are not declared. In 2018, the authorities seized some 327 tonnes of fish, mostly hake is not declared, even though the indentation is still larger. That is why the Ministries of Defence and Security devised a new plan to control illegal fishing in the South Atlantic with the support of the Armed Forces and the security forces.

But, does Argentina with sufficient resources to monitor an area that has 5,000 kilometers long? The answer is in the negative and that’s why some months ago met in Lima 12 Latin american countries, plus the united States and Spain to address the problem of illegal fishing, although for the moment without results. “The lack of control and regulation of international waters allows fishing, plunder, and violations of the South Atlantic; it is by this that since Greenpeace exposed this problem, invisible to many (…) we Want to generate all the public pressure as possible so that the Governments of the world agreed at the UN on a global treaty for the oceans to protect marine life through the creation of a network of sanctuaries”, ends Vueso.


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