Photos: Moscow 24/Alexander Avilov
Rospotrebnadzor reminded of the need to use a medical mask to protect against flu and SARS. The Ministry said that the flu viruses are transmitted from person to person mainly by airborne droplets.
the Use of the mask prevents the entry of viruses in the healthy human body. In particular, the press service pointed out the need to wear a mask when caring for someone with flu man.
With signs of respiratory disease in Rospotrebnadzor recommended to go to the doctor. At the same time, to protect others in the waiting area, should wear a mask, said in a statement on the website.
Also, you need to wear a mask in crowded places during seasonal increase of influenza. The Ministry recalled that the mask is disposable, you can use them only one time, changing every three hours or more.
In the capital Desgraves previously said that gauze dressings do not protect the person in the season of flu and colds. According to him, they help protect against coughing only at first, and then turn into the source of the infection.
among other things, recommended that the office workers to refrain from handshakes and hugs because of the season of acute respiratory viral infection and advised to wipe Desk with disinfectant wipes.
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