The story of the Death of Frunze 02/03/20: who actually ordered him “to kill”
the Story that Mikhail Frunze “slaughtered” on the operating table by order of Stalin for many years is haunted by the historians. At the same time in the role of murder of one of the most prominent commanders of the red army expect and other influential political figures of those years.
Pilniak – story custom
The funny thing is that the version that Frunze “ordered” Stalin was born from the art of the fictional works of the writer Boris Pilnyak – “the Tale of outstanding moon”. In his work the author has so beautifully outlined the theory that it was adopted for the truth. While I must admit that Pilnyak in the USSR openly disliked. Maxim Gorky accused him of anti-Semitism, and readers in the bourgeois. Not surprisingly, in 1937, Boris Pilnyak fell under the steamroller of repression and was shot. It is not excluded that here, had a hand in Stalin revenge writer because he “hung up” on him the death of Frunze.
Trotsky vs Frunze
strangely enough, but Stalin had no reason to destroy Frunze. On the contrary he was vital in his fierce struggle against Trotsky. At the same time, Lev Davidovich was indeed enough reason not to love Frunze. In the Civil war, the Creator of the red army, Trotsky openly accused Frunze war crimes and self-aggrandizement. Later, he could not forgive Frunze, which he took instead of it the post of the Chairman of the PBC. Especially that Russian origin Frunze was a staunch statists, like Stalin, in contrast to the leftist Trotsky. And when Frunze started to cut officers and ratings of the red army with 2 000 000 to 500 000 people in the first place, scrubbing henchmen Trotsky, and they became irreconcilable enemies. The first disturbing calls for Frunze was made in 1925 year, when he twice was hit by a car and miraculously survived. Although machines in those years in Moscow were a rarity and went with a relatively low speed. Frunze did not understand the hint and demanded his deputies legendary brigade commander Kotovsky. Brewing triumvirate in the army Frunze-Budyonny-Kotovsky. In the political field they were supported by Stalin. Opponent played Trotsky and his entourage. The first unknown forces are eliminated Kotovsky, and after him under the surgeon’s knife died Frunze.
Who gave the order to “kill” Frunze?
six months Later, you receive custom story Pilnyak, throwing a shadow of suspicion in Stalin and the chief of staff is appointed a protege of Trotsky, Tukhachevsky. The balance of power in the army is changing is not in favor of Stalin. Pilnyak, at this time, fearing his courage, holed up in China, watching from the sidelines, what will end the political wars in Moscow. Did not wait, came back. Obviously, he believed that the political forces who pulled Frunze and Kotovsky, to clear the way to power Tukhachevsky won. Pilnyak miscalculated. Trotsky was taken from the Politburo, stripped of all posts, and soon you can expect to defeat all of his protege. What, in General, happen. On came the times of repressions of the 1930-ies, during which Stalin largely revenge on those hidden forces that have destroyed many prominent red commanders, including Mikhail Frunze and Grigory Kotovsky.
Dmitry Sokolov
© Russian Seven
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