At the 2. June 1922 came Vishweshwar Dutt Saklani, has been called by his countrymen later lovingly Vriksha Manav, tree man, in the district of Tehri in Uttarakhand to the world. At eight years old he had begun to plant in his Region, trees, on arid ground, he brought it back to life. At the end of his life, more than a hundred hectares were turned into green forests.

alone, he has fruit in the city of his birth Saklana with Rhododendron, guava, and other broad-leaved trees of the Barrens into lush, green forests transformed. “Ten years ago, he lost his eyesight, because when planting the trees, Dirt and stones in his eyes. But that did not deter him”, – quotes the “Hindustan Times” his son Santosh Swaroop Saklani. “Even blind, he has planted thousands of trees.” On Friday morning Indian time Saklani died.

at the beginning, he met with the residents still rejected, because they believed that he wanted to tamper with the planting on their Land. In the meantime, you have to say about him, that his love and passion for the protection of the environment would also appreciate future generations. After his first Fau had died in 1958, was supported by his second wife, Bhagwati Devi, in his Passion over the years. “Trees meant everything to him,” the 80-Year-old. “He always said, trees are my family, my parents, my friends and my world. He wanted to see nothing of the world, because trees were, for him, a world of its own.”

The forest region he named after his brother,

The so-carefully-planted forest region named Saklani after his older brother, who was also a freedom fighter, “Nagendra Dutt Saklani Van”. This was in 1948, in resistance against the ruler of Tehri active, and his Rebellion led to the merger of the state of Tehri India.

started in 1986, the Indian Ministry of the environment in order to confer the Indira Priyadarshini Award, the pioneers of environmental protection and afforestation should be distinguished. In the first year of the award Rajiv Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India, presented the award to Vishweshwar Dutt Saklani, the tree man.

source: “Hindustan Times”

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