Theophilus Loves received 18 November in his mailbox a letter signed by Santiago Abascal. The leader of Vox, I asked her to return his act of councilman, but Loves, of 69 years, is not willing to matters. That, until a few weeks ago, was the only representative of Vox in the City of Cáceres since he hasn’t been active in the party ultra, after you have just left due to disagreements with some of the leaders in subjects such as gender violence, historical memory, or the rights of the collective LGBTI. And it’s not going to leave his post as a council member is not attached despite the “elegance”, you acknowledge, with which has called for his former boss: “If you want to act, tell me a judge”.

a Letter in which the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, asks Theophilus Loves to give his act a councillor in the City of Cáceres.

The tensions between Love and the national directorate of Vox come from far away, by repeated refusals of the councillor, who was a militant of the UGT and the PSOE until 1982, to submit “to the orders from Madrid”. But the situation exploded when she filed a motion that proposed to change the names of the streets to end the “discrimination” of the woman in the street of cáceres, which earned him a reprimand from the party, after a report published by THE COUNTRY. The exconcejal of Vox, which also supports the application of the law of historical memory, and participated in the day of the Pride LGBTI, shows sharply with the attitude of the secretary-general of the ultra training, Javier Ortega Smith, about domestic violence: “it Is a radical non-sense”.


The millennial that changed your business for the mayor’s Vox proposes to change the names of the streets in Cáceres to end the discrimination of women

on The 8th of October, Amores received a request from the national directorate of Vox in which he was accused to be oblivious to the “official doctrine” of the party and criticize their peers, after which the mayor censurase the appointment of Nono Morales, excandidato of the formation of Santiago Abascal to the Board of Extremadura, and Antonio Pozo, former mayor of Guadiana del Caudillo –both gentlemen of honor of the Foundation Francisco Franco– as advisers to the sole council member right in Badajoz. The next day, Loves presented its low of the game, but it has not stopped to go to the city Council, as he has been doing every day —without exception– since his inauguration: “There are a lot of people that voted for me in spite of introducing myself with Vox. And I have congratulated him for the decision”, he argues.

The progress of Love, a politician very much appreciated by all the members of the Corporation of cáceres, is the sixth low relevant that occurs in the formation ultra-nationalist, over the last few weeks, and binds to the of their only mp in the Balearic islands, Malena Contestí, the presidents of provincial in the province of Albacete and Zamora, and two aldermen of the City of Toledo. The exedil shows a photograph lapidary on the situation of Vox in Cáceres: “all Of these, just follow the blue shirt. There is No one left in the party. They have been charged at all,” she laments. In the image appear to more than 20 people.


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