Photo credit: TASS/Wu Hong/EPA
Russian tour operators suspended the reception of groups of tourists from China because of the new coronavirus. In the short term severe damage from the decision is not to be expected, because the winter flow of tourists from China is not very big, told Moscow 24 the President of the Federation of restaurateurs and hoteliers of Russia (FRIO), Igor Bukharov.
However, according to experts, difficulties can arise in the spring, as the number of Chinese tourists at this time usually increases.
“I don’t think that have much impact on the hotel business, because right now, roughly speaking, out of season. The holidays have passed, the Chinese celebrated their New year and so looking forward to spring. They come to us mainly for the new year holidays, when the city is decorated, also in spring and summer. They are attracted to including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ulyanovsk”, – said Bukharov.
the Number of confirmed in China cases has reached 4 515. The number of deaths is 106. The state Committee of China added that 52 patients successfully treated and discharged from medical facilities.
the Cases are in almost all the regions of China. Coronavirus has also been identified in Australia, Canada, Vietnam, Germany, Cambodia, Malaysia, Nepal, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, USA, Thailand, France, Japan and Sri Lanka. In Russia is sick at the moment.
the Russian Embassy in China establishes the possibility and the order of departure of compatriots from Hubei province. The Chinese authorities have restricted movement in its territory because of the spread of coronavirus. The Minister of foreign Affairs of China Wang Yi said that China has the capacity to overcome the outbreak of a new kind of pneumonia.
the CPS decided to prepare physicians in Russia to the treatment of coronavirus and transfer of the hospital on a strict anti-epidemic regime. Doctors will practice history taking in patients with symptoms that do not exclude new coronavirus.
the Federal tourism Agency advises to refrain from trips to China. Russian movie gate Hurghadathe Torah suspended the reception of groups of tourists from China.
Measures to prevent the spread of disease be in the Railways. Epidemiological events are held at railway stations of far Eastern, TRANS-Baikal, East-Siberian Railways and border stations in South Urals and West Siberian Railways.
the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin was assigned to organize the headquarters for the coronavirus. To enter his deputies, heads of the Ministry of transport, Ministry of health, Rospotrebnadzor, EMERCOM, Ministry of interior and Ministry of industry and trade.
Head of Academy of Sciences warned about the risk of a global epidemic of coronavirus by March
see also
the Russian airline suspended flights to Citiassist commented on the suspension of receiving groups of tourists from China