The Broad Front has had this Sunday a victory with a bitter flavour. The left-wing coalition which governed Uruguay since the last 15 years has experienced a strong setback in these elections that, in the face of a second back, gives you a clear advantage to the block on the right. The Broad Front has, with all votes counted, the 39.2% of the votes. Thus, with respect to the 2014 elections, the coalition led by Daniel Martínez would have lost about six points. The big winner of the day is Luis Lacalle Pou, candidate of the National Party, which exceeds the 28.6% of the votes and reached the second round, scheduled for November, with many possibilities of becoming the president.


The transition to peaceful democracy uruguayan The peronist Fernández, the new president of Argentina after defeating Macri

Lacalle Pou now has the challenge of forming a block a to the Colorado Party (which has 12.3%) and to Cabildo Abierto (plus 10.9%), training created this year by the military Guido Manini Rios, former commander-in-chief of the Army dismissed by president Tabaré Vázquez for his remarks against the Executive and justice in the context of human rights violations of the dictatorship (1973-1984). One of every 10 uruguayans voted to Open town Council meetings, which mark the emergence of the extreme right in uruguayan politics.

Nothing more to know the results, the leader of the Colorado Party, the economist Ernesto Talvi, was blunt, he asked for the vote for Luis Lacalle Pou and announced that it would campaign for the National Party. In a first moment Talvi had rejected an alliance that would include Open discussion, although in the run of the campaign was changing its position. By his side, Guido Manini Ríos also requested the vote for Luis Lacalle Pou and announced agreements programme with the two conservative forces to promote in its agenda topics such as the economy and the fight against citizen insecurity.

In a climate of euphoria, Luis Lacalle Pou was the last to speak this Sunday, and in his speech pointed out that the Government is proposing multicolor —referring to the coalition of the right, but led by the National Party. He called humility to their peers in order to make possible an alternation to the Broad Front composed of several formations.

as of now start another campaign, with a direct confrontation between two projects of country and two candidates for president: Daniel Martinez, 62 years old, and Luis Lacalle Pou, of 46. Martinez, engineer, former minister of Industry and former mayor of Montevideo, trust to display an image of more confidence that the projecting Luis Lacalle Pou, the son and grandson of leaders of the National Party, which is presented for the second time in the election and has held the positions of deputy and senator. Also there will be a clear confrontation left-right, with programme proposals different and probably a hard clash of ideas.

This Sunday will vote for a referendum presented by sectors of the National Party raised a constitutional reform of the court of repression as a response to citizen insecurity. But the platform will Live without Fear not accomplished its objectives and did not reach the 50% of the votes to introduce measures such as the imprisonment permanent, and the creation of a National Guard with members of the Armed Forces, among other measures.


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