Jonathan Choi has beautiful express themselves in English, the president of the chinese group Sun Wah – specialized in the agri-food, real estate and financial services – is a francophile convinced. The sixties hong kong was to announce on Tuesday the 16th of October, the financing, to the tune of 500,000 euros for the exhibition ” Cities for millennia. Virtual tour of Palmyra, Mosul “, organized until February 10, at the arab world Institute (IMA), in Paris. In return, it creates within the IMA centre Jonathan Choi for the promotion of cultural heritage.

In 2017, already, the business man had contributed, for 100 000€, the Croisements festival, which aims to promote the French artistic scene in China, and given 1 million dollars ($865, 000 euros) for the renovation of the chapel of the Ecole des beaux-arts in Paris, in exchange for the establishment of a cultural centre in his name, quai Malaquais. Its foundation will seal as soon as a partnership with Radio France, in order to come to Paris musicians and leaders of the chinese orchestra.

it All starts in 2015, when the former French ambassador to China Maurice Gourdault-Montagne, the invites to take a coffee and suggested to him the establishment of its school, 3rd International School, the lycée français in Beijing. Since then, Jonathan Choi has contributed to ten projects related to the Hexagon and open a discussion with the Palais de Tokyo. “We started to do things together by chance. But if it continues over time, it is no longer random, welcomes Robert Lacombe, cultural counselor of the embassy of France in China.

” in hong Kong, we begin to look more and more to France, and the Brexit is only going to intensify this movement, said Jonathan Choi, whose children have already learned French. My idea is not to make the “one shot” : to give money, cut the tape, do the souvenir photo…


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