High cost of housing in the inner cities, more and more tenants and buyers in the surrounding areas of large cities. It’ll give turning instructions on a trend, said the Economist Carolin Wandzik on Tuesday in Berlin. “Due to the rising prices in the centers of the outflow is increased to the surrounding area again.”

especially young families and young professionals draws it into the surrounding areas and the suburbs, the new opinion of the Central real estate Committee (ZIA). Because in many large cities, Rent and purchase prices are rising unabated.

Who removed in the autumn of 2018, to pay for the new apartment in the nationwide funds on a monthly basis 7,06 Euro cold per square meter, 3.9 percent more than in the previous year. Asking rents have increased slightly more than in the previous year. The margin is large. It ranges from € 4.54 in the district of Höxter up to 16,54 Euro in Munich. The report predicts further rise in Rents and purchase prices, and, increasingly, also in the surrounding areas of big cities.

Interactive map: comparison of 100 cities to Buy or rent? What is in your town more Exaggerated prices Of Daniel Bakir, but no bubble

The professionals are seeing more and more exaggerated prices, especially in the seven largest cities and their surrounding areas, but also in a number of other cities. “We are watching this development with much suspicion,” said Economist Lars field during the presentation of the report.

He, however, sees no indications of what the experts call a real estate bubble. Bursting of such a bubble – for example, because the interest rates were to rise suddenly – the collapse of the prices. Field said, the buyers financed their houses and apartments continue to be quite conservative.

Rents and purchase prices have been rising for years, because more and more people move to the cities, the households are smaller, and the supply is scarce. From the point of view of the real estate industry, the top of which is the Association of ZIA, fuelled by the increase in the Federal government the price.

real estate industry criticized the government

The new baukinder money of the seller to propose in many cases to the sale price, it said. The grant, especially those families who would not have him actually be necessary also received. When baukinder money, there are more than ten years, a total of 12,000 euros per child, just under 70,000 of funding have been issued commitments. Both the FDP, as well as Left made on Tuesday clearly, this was a waste of money.

real estate prices evaluation for 100 cities: How much apartment you get for 250,000 euros By Daniel Bakir

the price of driving will take effect from the point of view of the real estate industry is also a by the German Bundestag adopted a temporary tax bonus for the rental housing. In addition, it bring little, if cities like Berlin, bought flats in a big way – “except to plunder the tax Fund,” as the Association’s President Andreas Mattner said.

“Build, build, build”

again, the Mantra of the industry repeated: “Because of the high demand, we need to build, build, build.” For this, there is a need for permanent tax relief, as well as faster planning and permits. A tax bonus for energy efficient refurbishment could come in 2024, indicated by the Parliamentary state Secretary in the Ministry of transport, the Marco wall joke.

The CDU politician suggested that to shift more public jobs in rural regions – so that people can follow and verödende places to revive. It was a part of the solution to the housing shortage in the cities.

the Legal situation, I have to pay the rent – and what you should know to inherit, nor is it necessarily

are not Because increased not the real Rent, in a number of large cities, such as Harald Simons, member of the Board of the research Institute Empirica, said. Including the “old industrial cities of Westphalia” in North Rhine-approximately Oberhausen and Bottrop, but also Chemnitz and Halle. There are still opportunities for investors – but also for tenants. “Because I don’t need to be 200 people in the queue, but since 30 of the landlord and to offer me an apartment.”

bak / DPA


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