A referee in Bolivia is broken during a football game together, and shortly afterwards in a hospital died. Víctor Hugo Hurtado collapsed about ten minutes after the start of the second half in the game between the Bolivian Associations Always Ready and Oriente Petrolero in El Alto and crashed on the lawn, as local media reported on Monday. He was, according to media reports, in early 30.
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according to The figures, the referee had already in the stadium a heart and respiratory suffered a standstill. Physicians managed to revive him before he was taken to a nearby hospital. In the er, and Hurtado was then a second heart and breathing died to a standstill. El Alto is located on more than 4000 meters of altitude to the West of Bolivia’s capital, La Paz.
According to the newspaper “Página Siete” is supposed to be in the stadium no Defibrillator available. Bolivia’s football Association, spoke of the family of the arbitrator, his condolences, and announced a weeklong mourning period for Bolivian football.
tis / DPA