Photos: Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin
More than 1 thousand cases of infection with the novel coronavirus recorded in the capital, said on its website Sergei Sobyanin.
“the Situation with the spread of the coronavirus has passed into a new stage. Has already recorded more than a thousand cases of the disease in Moscow. No one is immune. An example of a poor Italian and Spanish cities same new York, where every day dozens die and hundreds of people, for all to see”, – he wrote.
the Mayor also announced that on Saturday in the capital was closed for about 55 thousand food outlets and shops. He noted that the inspectors found only a few hundred points, which referred to the fact that do not fall under the ban.
“Thank Moscow business discipline and responsibility in this difficult time,” wrote the mayor.
the Mayor also noted that the majority of Muscovites has listened to the recommendations of the authorities and stayed home. Thus, in city parks came just 52 thousand people, which is significantly less than normal output.
“Please, take care of yourself. All next week you and all other Muscovites have to stay home. But if you are on the street or in the store – keep a safe distance,” wrote the mayor.
He called the running stores and pharmacies it is possible to make a special layout for visitors to make it easier to keep the distance of 1.5–2 meters.
March 25, Vladimir Putin has declared the period from 30 March to 3 April hours with pay. The decision was taken in connection with the need to prevent the threat of the rapid spread of the coronavirus in the country.
In connection with the nonworking week from 28 March to 5 April in the capital halted work, restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens and other public catering enterprises. The same applies to retail facilities.
in the world, according to the who, recorded over 570 cases of infection with coronavirus. In Russia contracted the coronavirus 1264 of the patient.
the Inhabitants of Moscowyou will be able to spend a week of vacation together with the cultural centres and museums
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the Doctors older than 65 years retain concessionary travel in the city transportable 166 thousand people in Russia are under observation because of the Story coronavirus:Coronavirus COVID-19