Crime 04/03/20 Terrible secret “Giant”: what’s happening gang Oblique in Omsk
Almost every Soviet provincial city had its own “skeleton in the closet” – the story that the townspeople were whispering in the kitchen, and the nonresident had no idea. In 1946 the people of the Siberian Omsk shocking crime gang, which killed two dozen children.
grim discovery
it All started with the fact that in the autumn of 1946 in Omsk began to disappear children. The police reluctantly engaged in their search, believing that juveniles run away from home. However, some ads with signs of the children still appeared in the local press.
the Search intensified, when the missing son of the head of the plant. The boy went to the show at the cinema “Giant” and never returned. Looking at the attic theater, the guards was horrified to find there stripped the corpses of the majority of the disappeared children. 13 bodies of schoolchildren who had buried in a pile of sawdust. The youngest of the victims was 9 years old, the eldest boy was 16 years old.
the Bodies were drained of blood, which immediately gave rise to panic among the residents are rumors about settled in the city of vampire. Mass hysteria didn’t affect the police, who sought no mythical creature, but real murderers. People in uniform have solved this case literally by a thread, is not out on the trail of criminals.
History of gangs
the Real horror of the situation was that children were killed not hardened adult criminals, and virtually by their peers, embarked on a criminal path because of difficult living conditions. At the origins of the gang were 40-year-old lady Belyayev of Pelageya and her 18-year-old son Anatoly Vorobyov named Scythe who is earlier judged for theft. Around themselves, they gathered a group of teenagers, the youngest of whom was 13 years old. Many of them in the great Patriotic war was lost, fathers, and young men what is called “out of hand”. Anatoly Vorobyov was jealous of well-dressed adolescents, and together with his mother, he figured out how it is possible not only to satisfy the hatred of the more wealthy peers, but to profit at their expense. Baby stuff at the time was a terrible deficit, and they can be profitable to sell at a flea market.
the Attic of the cinema “Giant” in Omsk homeless have chosen, even when it was empty during the war. The gang members watched the young audience in the crowd and lured them upstairs under various pretexts. Some promised to buy me chocolate, others gave in to the offer to watch free movie through the vent. Victims of the thugs strangled by the noose. Bladed weapons they were trying to apply, seeking the children if necessary with a metal pipe. So clothes remain clean. From the dead bodies of the monsters released from the blood, collecting it in cans to slow down the process of decomposition of corpses. Crimes were committed not only in cinema but also in other areas. The consequence has counted 20 dead children, although Alexander Raspopin, author of “the Mystery of the “Giant” Crime story”, believes that the victims were one more, given the 11-year-old Alexander Ivanov, disappeared in those terrible days.
the Sentence
the Soviet investigation took place quickly. Oblique detained in December 1946 and in March 1947 took place the trial of the gang members. Ten, including pelage and Oblique, was sentenced to capital punishment. However, he shot only 18-year-old Alexander Fateev, who did not appeal the verdict. The rest were saved by the fact that in 1947, Stalin imposed a moratorium on the death penalty. Nine people in total were sentenced to 25 years in prison, six were sentenced to 10 years in prison. It is hard to imagine that he felt the townspeople, after reading about the lawsuit in the newspaper “Omsk truth”. Many have realized that perhaps bought on the market of children’s clothes taken from the corpses.
the Cinema “Giant” now in Omsk is not – it is not something burned after the murders, not demolished in 1952. But the bandits, after serving the required time, was released. The leader of the gang Oblique lived a long life, and died in 1994. We will add that in 2018, the screens out a documentary drama Boris Shcherbakov, “On the trail of a black cat”, in the scenario which draws on declassified documents of the criminal case about the killings in the movie theater.
Timur Sagdiyev
© Russian Seven
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