Travel is the path to finding yourself. That’s why you’ll hear anyone who went on a gap year before university lament the good old days when they could roam free and see new sights.

Ask those people a question about their travels and you’ll be held hostage with an answer that’s longer than the Amazon River.

They’ll tell you of the night they slept under the stars in Pyongyang, the day trekking across the Great Wall of China. Once, they met a Sherpa and broke bread with his family in some remote outpost in the forest…

They’ll tell you all this with a smile on their face. This was the happiest time of their life, and they’ll always dream of hitting the road and doing it all over again.

Would you like to live those halcyon days? Do you want to clash with foreign cultures? Reckon you’d enjoy long journeys in mysterious lands?

Then it’s time to put your red travellin’ socks on and book a flight!

But before you do, finish this article – it’s crammed with useful travel tips that could get you out of a bind.

Drop off your car

The thought is almost inevitable when you’re in a foreign country –is everything alright back home?

You’ll worry that you left the gas on, that your goldfish are well fed, and you’ll have nightmares about burglars looting your home and leaving you with nothing more than a box of Lucky Charms and a wooden spoon.

But you won’t have to worry about your car, as long as you leave it in the right hands.

We’d recommend for this herculean task. This is a private parking service with many bases around the US. They’ll pick up your car from the airport and store it in a secure location, patiently awaiting your return.

Stay insured

Once upon a time, a freelance writer (who may or may not be the writer of this article) was mugged while on holiday to Barcelona. His biggest regret about the experience? He had forgotten to take out travel insurance before his trip.

Everything he had on him was stolen, from his bank card to his snapback baseball cap, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Don’t make the same mistake – visit Money Supermarket to see how much travel insurance will cost you. It’s cheaper than you think, and it’s a worthwhile purchase for peace of mind.

Get photocopies

Your passport might go walkabout in your hotel room, or your flight tickets might disappear mysteriously from your bag (we blame the maid).

It happens easily, and it’s a problem that can be somewhat resolved by keeping photocopies of your documents in a safe storage compartment in your luggage.

We’d also recommend you purchase a safe passport holder for your travels to keep it, and any other travel documents, in a safe space.

That’s our list! Got any more travel tips you want to share? Then let us know in the comments below!


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